it all started

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Hi my name is Marie. I used to live in Ireland. But let me just say my family and I were lucky to get out. It was the year 1845. I was 14. And we were a happy bunch. My dad and I used to farm while my mum would take care of my brothers, jack and conner and my baby siater Anna.

One day as my mother and I were coming back from a walk we saw a group of people crowded around Mrs an ms Murphy's house. "What's happening? " I said. Mother and I went over to the crowd. It turned out Mrs and ms Murphy were being avicted from their own house!

"Mother why is this happening to them? Why are they being kicked out of their house?" I asked. "Listen love the potatoes are getting this thing called blight on them. And we can't eat them with the blight on them so we can't sell them and if we can't sell them we won't get any money for them and if we can't get any money for them we can't pay the landlord. So that's probably what had happened to Mrs and ms Murphy " mother said.
"But that's not going to happen to all of our crops right? " I asked
"Unfortunately it will" mother said. "But mother its not fair! They're just going to let us all starve homeless? " I said.
"No darling what's going to happen is we'll all have to go to work House's" mother said.

A few tears rolled down my cheek as we watched Mrs and ms Murphy go down the hill ...


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