a girl can dream

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Mother is after getting so weak. She is to weak to work and if she can't work then she can't get any food. I am trying to help her but I myself am quite weak.

We don't get much food that often because we are almost starved to death. I wish none of this had happened. If only. If only. Me a and Primrose have been talking a lot about our families and where we used to live.

"I lived with my uncle,aunt,mum,dad and my brother. Unfortunately my aunt and uncle are in a different work house. I miss them. My uncle used to tell us the best of stories. There was this one about him living in this old house before he lived with us. He said it was haunted!" Said Primrose. "You must've had a lovely life before all of this" I said. "Yes,you know I know that some day this will all be over. We'll be let out of these work houses with new houses and crops waiting for us and we'll all have loads of money! Oh,oh then you and I will be able to go to each others houses and play with each other,wouldn't that be lovely?" Primrose said so happily. "Don't worry,it will,it will"

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