work house?

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A lot of people were being sent to work houses. The plague didnt get to us yet but mother said it would.

It was so quiet. Almost like we were the only people left. Soon enough we would be in the work houses and eventually we were.

The work houses were smelly. There were sick people who you'd swear were going to collapse any second. The men were separated from the woman and could only meat in church.
I hated it! It was horrible! Oh how I missed dad and jack and conner. I wanted to go back to the farm but mother said we had no choice if we wanted to live.

We had to work for food. Even if you were half dead on the ground.And they were so cruel to the men. If they didn't do something right they would get whipped.

Soon enough I got so thin and so hungry. I just wanted to die so it would be all over.

One day I had to share a spinning wheel with someone. She was about the same age as me. She was a beautiful girl. "Are you new?" I said. "Yes" she replied. "Well your very good looking,what's your name?" I asked. "Primrose,what's yours?" "Mary. Do you have any relatives here?" "Yes,my brother John,my mother and my father you?" "Well let's see there's my mother and father,my two brothers and my sister"

We talked and talked and talked! She was very nice. She cheered me up


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