Chapter 8 ~ Tea with Luna

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You tried to move on from what happened yesterday, when you got home you made your new tea you called Hoot Tea and went to bed. Today, Sunday you had Luna come over to try your tea. She received your owl and immediately came over Owlbus on her head dancing. He loves Luna.

"What does the tea do?" She asked. "It made me relax and I got a bit giggly." Luna loved trying your experiments, especially if they were edible. You showed her the recipe and how much of the potion to drizzle on the mallow sweet. "Now we wait for it to dry, then crush them up." 

Luna sat in one your cute armchairs you got. They were yellow with little white flowers all over it. You had them in front of your fireplace that sat on the wall across from your bed. Your fireplace was also where you brewed your potions and teas.

You put the record Luna and you made last year of songs you both enjoy and sat in the other chair. "What did you mean on the train?" You ask her. Luna looking at the fire slightly smiled. "Like I said you will understand later." You looked down, you were still just as confused. Luna spoke again.

"What do you think of Draco?" You looked up, hearing his name just made you angry. But in a calm polite tone you reply asking, "What about him?" You start crushing the mallow sweet leaves in the tea and give one to Luna. She waited to speak again until you sat down again. "What do you think of him?" She tilted her head down a little and raised her eyebrows slightly before sipping her tea. (You know the look)

You never actually HAD an opinion on Draco, you found him annoying but recently you really found him infuriating. You sipped your tea. "He's mean, he's always hated me. He's aggressive, pathetic, I don't know. Anything negative I guess." You drink more tea and listen to the music.

You tell Luna about what happened between you and Draco. "There's rumors aren't there?"

Luna had finished her tea and turned to face you. "Yes, but we all know what really happened." You felt like you were going to cry but kept your voice calm. "Only you, Lav, Ced, and Hermonie know. What does the rest of the school believe?" The tea was relaxing you, keeping your mind calm and you weren't over thinking like you usually would.

You felt Luna get sad, but you knew she was going to tell you. "Maddox told someone after he was expelled about what happened between you two, and it wasn't in your favor. Then made up a lie of why he was expelled, and it's been spreading since summer." You looked at her, your mind blank. You thought this year you could move on from Maddox and forget, but apparently not. 

You drank the rest of your tea and look at the fire dancing in the stone fireplace, some of the stones with dark green moss. "Thanks for telling me." You finally say. You start talking about the tea with her, then funny stories you've re-told like 100 times. 

...Lavander was so pissed...

Remember Owlbus wouldn't let Ron stop dancing?

... then Cedric ran straight into the Greenhouse window!

You needed this, laughing with your friend about the good in life. Lavander didn't really like Luna, she found her odd. Lavander was nice but had a hard time speaking with her. Luna decided to make her leave, you walked her towards the door. Luna turned to you, she looked like she was trying to figure something out. 

"How are your sisters?" She asked her face returning to normal. "They're good, very excited still and Poppy wants to be water girl for the Quidditch team." Luna smiled and walked away and out of the common room. 'Penelope had the same look on her face the other day' You thought. 

Luna had some quirks, she would randomly make that face, like she was trying to figure something out then sometimes followed by a random question or statement. Luna only shared what she wanted, and she never shared on what went on her head. You always wanted to know but never asked. You felt like her mind was sacred somehow. But you found yourself wondering more about it than usual.


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