Chapter 36 ~ Spending Time with You

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The next day you woke up with more energy than you've had all last week. You were still in pain, but Lavander helped you do a few laps around the room during breakfast so you could hopefully get back to classes. As much as you were secretly looking forward to spending some time with Draco again, you desperately wanted to get back to normal. Lavander noticed your sudden mood change this morning, usually she'd have to convince you to wake up now she had to convince you to sit down.

"Y/N slow down, walking faster isn't going to get you back faster. It will probably cause more injury." Lavander giggled but was serious about her order. She put you back in bed and made sure you were comfortable.

"Lavander, can't you tell me what happened at the Quidditch game?" You asked desperate for some information. "You don't have to tell me everything but something that makes sense." Her anxiety rose, she cleared her throat before she spoke.

"You fainted; I know that. But everything be honest I don't know I was in the other..." She stopped herself, tears filled her eyes, and her voice broke as she spoke. She took a minute to collect herself then looked at you and smiled.

"I was facing the other direction and preoccupied, so I didn't see... or hear anything." Someone must know something you didn't get why it was being hidden, you became angry.

"Why am I not allowed to know? Does anyone even know what happened to me? Lavander, I woke up in different clothes and more cuts and bruises than I should have. What the fuck happened to me?!" You were yelling, you never yelled at Lavander; you don't remember ever getting mad at her either. She was silent, she felt sad and guilty, but she said nothing.

"I'm sorry." She finally spoke, she was now crying. You hugged her and apologized for yelling.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, if you can't tell me I can't be mad at you. I trust you have a reason." You both cried for a minute then pulled back.

"I can't say much, Snape wants to talk to you about it later. But I can say everything will slowly start to make sense as time goes on. Everything is delicate right now and a lot of people are confused and have questions like you do." You agreed and apologized again as she left. When Lavander reached the door, she turned with a smile.

"Don't give Draco such a hard time by the way, I know it's weird seeing him nice the way he's being, but he's really been trying to change. He was actually the one who carried you to the hospital wing after the game." She said before leaving.

You were surprised and now thinking about it, you didn't remember even seeing him at the game at all which was odd in itself because he's the Slytherin seeker.


Draco showed up the same time as yesterday with a knock at the door. You were more prepared this time and made yourself more presentable. Well at least your hair and you had showered last night so you smelled good. He continued going over Herbology, but you wanted to ask him about the Quidditch game. You waited until he was done with the section you were working on.

"Thank you for carrying me to the hospital wing the day of the game, Lavander told me you did." You noticed the surprised look on his face from your sudden change in subject.

"It's weird I don't even remember seeing you there at all, which is even weirder. I've gathered when I hit my head, my memories became jumbled, they feel jumbled. It makes me worry what other memories I've lost along with how other people are acting."

I Got You (Draco x reader Hufflepuff)🦡❤️🐍Where stories live. Discover now