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The London sky was foggy and gray; a reflection of Faye's mood. Everything had been perfect: her father had returned from a long work trip early, her and her siblings were planning on playing Clue (their favorite board game), and they had gone to the bookstore. She had been cozily curled up on the couch, reading her new book, when she had received the news that her father was called to go to war.

Heartbroken, Faye had only watched wordlessly as he packed up his belongings. He had hugged her tightly, whispering in her ear: "I'll see you again soon, my sweet daughter. While I'm away, I've arranged for you to stay with Professor Kirke, an old friend of mine. He has a huge mansion full of curiosities, which I'm sure you will have fun exploring."

"What about Elle and James? Will they be coming with me?" She asked.

"No, honey. They will be leaving tonight to go to your grandmother's house. I thought you could use a break from taking care of them all the time."

Unbeknownst to Faye, a tear was slowly sliding its way down her cheek. "So I'm going alone?" She asked in a small voice. "For how long?"

"Hey," He said, noticing it and wiping it away. "Sweetheart, I know this is hard for us both and I am so, so sorry that you have to go through this. I will miss you more than anything. I'll be sure to write plenty of letters so that you know about everything that is going on, okay?" She nodded and buried her face in the soft folds of his warm coat. Her father had no more words to say to his crying daughter, so he just offered her comfort until she pulled away, eyes glistening with tears.

"I love you Papa," She said in a trembling, weak voice. 

"I love you too my dear." She wanted to ask him a question before he went, but no words came out of her mouth. Faye swallowed and was about to try again, when he looked at his watch. 

"Oh goodness! I cannot miss that train!" he said, hurrying out the door. "I love you!" He shouted. 

"I love you too!" Faye called. Her father smiled, and with a final wave of his hat, he was gone.


"Faye darling, we should start packing your things. Your father has arranged for you to meet Professor Kirke in about three hours." Eliza, the sweet housekeeper told her. Faye only nodded, not trusting herself to speak without bursting into tears again. She looked through her closet, and chose a few simple woolen dresses, cardigans, skirts, and stockings to bring with her. She found an old suitcase to put her things in, and folded them neatly. Faye packed her toiletries and plenty of books, and buckled the suitcase closed. "El, I'm just about packed," She called down the hallway. 

"Splendid!" The servant shouted. "I've warmed up a few scones for us to eat before we leave." 

"Thank you!" She shouted.

Faye pulled up her stockings and buttoned her skirt and blouse, thinking about her mother for the millionth time. What was she like? Was she quiet and graceful, or strong and outspoken? Was she both? Had she seen Faye before her death? Where had her mother even come from? There were too many questions bubbling around in her brain. She shook her head, attempting to come back to the present. It was chilly outside, so Faye buttoned up her thick coat and brushed her hair before heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

She found a large blueberry scone waiting for her at her place at the table, and she was about to eat it when she suddenly began to think about her father fighting in the war. What if he got injured? Physically, or mentally? What if he came back...changed? What if he...? She began to realize that she had no control over what might happen to him. What if she lost the only family she had left? Faye's mind began to disconnect from her body as her emotions took control. Her hands began to tremble ever so slightly.

A hand touched her shoulder, pulling Faye out of her anxious downward spiral. "He'll be okay, and so will you, honey." Eliza gently reminded her. "Now eat this delicious scone before it gets cold and we'll be out the door in a jiffy." She bustled out of the room, muttering something about dishes and leaving Faye alone with her thoughts.

Ten minutes later, Faye said tearful goodbyes to her siblings, tied her Oxfords and stood up, ready to go. 

"All set, dearie?" Eliza asked. 

"Yes, I think so. Let's do this." Faye said, before opening the door and stepping out into the London fog.

A/N: Here we go! The first chapter! I know it's a bit short. Hopefully I will be able to update this story at least twice a week. Also, I would love to hear any suggestions in the comments. Thanks for reading! Hope you have a blessed day!

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