𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤

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"Come on Peter, gastrovascular." Susan said. She had invented a game in where Peter had to guess the origin of words, which he was suffering through valiantly. Faye was sitting in a corner reading a book, bored out of her mind. Lucy was looking out of the window at the pouring rain, trying to think of things to do, and Edmund was laying down under a chair fiddling with the screws. Peter sighed. He rolled his head over to face Susan. 

"Is it Latin?" He asked, without much enthusiasm.

Susan checked the dictionary. "Yes."

"Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Edmund bit. Susan, offended, snapped the dictionary shut. Faye looked up from her story, hopeful that someone would suggest something else to do.

"Well, we could play hide and seek," The youngest Pevensie suggested hopefully, padding over to where Peter sat.

"But we're already having so much fun," Peter said, voice dripping with sarcasm. Susan shot him a glare.

"Come on, Peter, please! Pretty please?" Lucy begged, showing Peter her puppy eyes. Peter sighed, and decided to give in. 

He began counting, and smiling wide, Lucy ran to find a hiding spot. Susan rolled her eyes and Edmund groaned before following their little sister.

"Does that mean me too?" Faye asked, marking the place she was at in her book and setting it aside. Peter looked at her, grinning, and continued to count. "I suppose that's a yes then." She jumped up from her nook, grinned back at Peter, and sprinted through the doorway.

Faye's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she ran. She found an inconspicuous pair of curtains that would have done nicely as a hiding place, but Edmund shoved her away. 

"I was here first!" He complained. Faye stuck out her tongue at him and kept going. 

"Faye!" Susan whisper-shouted from inside a dark wooden chest. "Come on, we can share. Peter's almost done counting!" The girl slipped in alongside the Pevensie, who quietly lowered the lid of the chest down over their heads. They waited there for a full half hour before they heard Lucy's hurried footsteps running back to where Peter was beginning to "seek". 

"What on earth is happening? Doesn't Lucy want to play?" Faye whispered to Susan. 

"I don't know," Susan whispered back.

"It's alright! I'm back, it's alright!" The little girl shouted. 

"Shut up, he's coming!" Edmund hissed as she passed. Peter came down the hall and spotted them, making Edmund sigh in frustration and slip out from behind the curtains.

"No, I'm not sure that you two have quite got the idea of this game," Said Peter, utterly confused. 

"Weren't you wondering where I was?" Lucy queried. 

"That's the point. That was why he was seeking you!" Her brother complained. Sharing a glance, the two girls climbed out of their hiding spot. "Does that mean we win?" Faye asked, smiling.

Peter turned to face her. "I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," He said.

"But I've been...gone for hours!" She insisted.

The four older children shared a look. Suddenly, a sharp pain zapped through Faye's forehead.

 She yelped in pain, dropping to a crouch. Her sight was beginning to blur. 

"Faye! Faye, are you alright!" Peter shouted, but she was unable to answer him, falling deeper and deeper into a soundless black void. Words began to drift past her, words in an ancient language she didn't understand. She reached out her hands and caught them, and at her touch, the words transformed into a tongue she recognized. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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