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"Hey, we should hit the mall after class. I need to grab a new dress," Millie mentioned as the final period was about to start. Friday afternoons were Olivia's jam, especially with biology and English, her top subjects. She was still torn between two paths—she adored writing and dreamt of becoming an author, but breaking into that world seemed tough. On the flip side, she had a soft spot for caring for others, with medicine constantly on her mind; she could follow in her mom's footsteps and become a doctor. That idea really appealed to her.

"I heard the guys are heading to the track later. Maybe we can swing by the mall after?" Olivia whispered eagerly. She wanted to see Lando. That guy had been devoting all his free time to the track with his mates and his older brother, Oliver. The rest of the class doubted his skills, but Olivia was convinced he was destined for bigger things—like F1 soon.

"I'm so tired of always going there. He doesn't even notice you, Liv. Look, you need to talk to him, tell him how you feel. Lando's not a jerk like Evan or Joe. He's nice. I'm sure he won't react badly," Millie advised.

"Mills, I can't, okay? I tried the other day, and it was a disaster. I think he's into you. He asked about our plans for next week," Olivia responded.

"Why would he like me?" Millie burst out laughing. Millie was drop-dead gorgeous, the most stunning in the classroom. At just 14, she looked older, with her figure and all. Sometimes, Olivia envied her, not just for her looks but also her carefree attitude; she gave zero hoots about what others thought. That was a stark contrast to Olivia, who was always the quiet one tagging along behind her.

"Your outfit is on point today," Olivia complimented.

"I know, but trust me. I'm not his type," Millie replied, taking a seat.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we're splitting into teams. You'll be researching life sciences for a paper—1,000 words on the study of cells, their functions, and reproductive methods. Come up, take a slip, and announce your new teammate's name," Professor Sunders instructed as the class eagerly rose to find their partners.

Olivia hoped Millie would draw her name when they stood up, but no such luck. "Matthew Carrighan," Olivia muttered to herself. When it was her turn to pick, only a few slips remained. Sarah's name was still in the jar—Olivia's worst nightmare and deepest fear. Sarah had made her life miserable, bullying her for the past year.

"Ms. Coleman, your turn. Come here," Sunders called out. Olivia got up, feeling everyone's eyes on her—another fear of hers, being the centre of attention. She took a deep breath before reaching into the jar, feeling like she was picking a tribute for the Hunger Games. She wasn't the class favourite, and although she had a couple of friends, she knew most unchosen names wouldn't want to pair up with her. After a few moments, she finally pulled out a slip. Her eyes met Millie's, who smiled in support as she unfolded the paper, unable to believe her luck.

"Lando Norris," Olivia announced, her gaze shifting from Millie to Lando, who wore the sweetest smile on his face.


It had been a week since Lando and Olivia had let loose their passion in the cozy VIP section of Sass Cafe. Since then, they'd been stealing moments together whenever they could squeeze in some time. Most of their encounters happened in the comfort of their own apartments, away from prying eyes.

Olivia hadn't breathed a word about her secret rendezvous with Lando, not even to her best friend Millie. She wanted to soak up every bit of excitement before their bubble inevitably burst. Olivia sensed that their little love bubble was bound to explode soon, and she was determined to make the most of it while it lasted.

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