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Lando and Olivia were about to spend their first few weeks apart since they'd gotten together, and it felt weird. Lando had plans with his mates, while Olivia and her bestie were headed off to Menorca in Spain for a week of sun and fun.

Ever since their relationship went public, Olivia had been swamped with everything, so she was buzzing to have some quality girl time with Millie. But just because she was miles away from Lando didn't mean she'd stop teasing him. No chance.

Olivia was getting ready for a dinner out with Millie when she got a text from Lando saying he was already at the airport. Smirking to herself, she decided to have a bit of fun. She snapped a cheeky photo, her red lace bra peeking and sent it to him with 

 She snapped a cheeky photo, her red lace bra peeking  and sent it to him with 

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Lando: Bloody hell, Liv, you're killing me here. 🔥 You know how hard it is to focus at the airport with that image in my head?

Olivia: 😜 Just wanted to make sure you don't forget about me while you're off with the lads.

Lando: Forget about you? Impossible. Especially not when you look like that. You're going to give me a reason to hop on the next flight to Menorca instead. ✈️

Olivia: Hmm, maybe that's exactly what I want. 😉 But for now, you'll just have to enjoy the view from your phone.

Lando: Trust me, I am. But it's not enough. I can't wait to get my hands on you when we're back together.

Olivia: Oh, I'm counting on it. I've got a few surprises planned for when we're reunited.

Lando: You're such a tease, Liv. How am I supposed to survive these weeks without you?

Olivia: 🙃 By thinking of all the ways you can make it up to me when you're back.

Lando: Oh, I've got plenty of ideas. You just wait. But for now, enjoy your trip, love. And keep those cheeky photos coming.

Olivia: You got it, babe. Have a great time with your friends. And don't have too much fun without me.

Lando: Never. All the fun I need is with you. Talk soon, gorgeous. 😘

Olivia: Talk soon, handsome. 😘

"Why the stupid face?" Millie teased as she walked into the room. Olivia quickly hid her phone, not wanting Millie to see the cheeky photos she had just sent to Lando.

"Just wishing Lando and the lads a safe flight," Olivia said, trying to sound casual.

"Riiiiiiiight." Millie raised an eyebrow. She could tell there was more to the story, but she let it slide for now.

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