Chapter 1 - After Work

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(Strongly advised 16+ warning for this one)

(Mia's POV)

Char texted me saying her shift finishes at 6 tonight. I couldn't help but smile at my phone when I saw the notification come up. I got in my car and drove down to the nursery to pick her up, she had no idea I was going to collect her but I miss her face desperately.

I pulled up in the car park, I could see Char in the preschool room packing everything up. I couldn't help but admire her for a few seconds before I got out of the car and waited outside the door.

My face lit up as I saw her beautiful eyes clock mine as she left. "Mia what are you doing here?" she whispered softly. "I thought I'd come and pick you up sweetheart," I said taking her hand and stroking it slowly. Char looked at me with her cute little confused face and her eyes wandered to where her hand was in my grasp. "Well thank you," she said eventually. "I ummm... my car's still in the car park."
"Can't your husband come and pick it up?" I teased.
"What husband?" Charlotte laughed. I smiled as her face dropped in complete shock over what she said.
"That's right sweetheart, what husband? I'm just teasing you don't worry come in my car you're freezing," I say gently stroking her forearm. "Here have this." I take my jumper off and hand it to her. "Thanks," she says softly.
"Ok, now that you're warm let's get you inside sweetheart," I say taking her hand.

I unlock my car and Char opens the door to the back. "No sweetheart," I laugh. "You can sit next to me come here." Char smiles slightly and takes a seat.
As I put my hand on the gear stick to start the car, my hand slowly rests on Char's thigh. I can feel the goosebumps raising under her tights.
My hand still placed there, I look up at her and whisper "are you ok sweetheart?"
Charlotte gulps for air, "yeah, yeah I'm alright."
"Ok then," I smile as I stroke her thigh slowly until my hand releases.
As I go to leave, she guides my hand back to her thigh until it's resting on top again. "Mia please, I don't want you to let go," she says softly. Her cheeks flush slightly in the silence as I look into her eyes processing what she just said.
"If you say so," I smile as I drive out of the car park.

I put the radio on and "sweater weather" starts playing as we drive into the sunset.
"Are you sure you'd like to home now? I could always take you to the beach for a bit," I say.
"That sounds... nice" Charlotte says staring out of the window. "Any time away from the house at the moment is a blessing," she laughs.

About 10 minutes later we arrive at the beach. I get out the car and offer Char my hand as she unbuckles her seatbelt. She slides her palm into mine and I walk her down the beach to a quiet spot where we could see the sunset over the horizon.
"This is nice," Char says softly. "I love the beach at night it's so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you," I say smiling.
"So how was work?" "It was fine," Char says. "Marjorie still hates me though I hate being in a fight with her it's horrible."
I look into her eyes and place both my hands onto her waste. "Don't worry about Marjorie sweetheart she's completely oblivious."
Charlotte nodded slows, I sense her body start to shiver.
"Sweetheart are you cold we can go back to the car if you'd like."
"But I don't want to go home yet," she moans.
"We don't have to we'll just sit in my car and we can.... whatever," I say lifting her chin up with my right hand and grazing over her bottom lip.
Char smiles and takes my hand and we walk back over to the car.

I unlock the car door and open the door to the back. "Come here darling there's more room," I say climbing into the back seat. Char follows behind and sits down before I place my hand back on her thigh.
"You look tired," I say moving a few strands of hair off her face.
"Char turns and yawns for a moment. "Yeah I am it's been a long day."
"I can imagine," I pat my lap gently. "Here, come lay down here if you like, take a quick Power Nap."
Char smiles softly and rests her head onto my lap as I slowly take her hair out her clip so I can run my fingers through it. I gently kiss the top of her head as her eyes start to shut.

A few minutes past and I notice her start moving around. "Mia I can't sleep," she whispers with her eyes half shut.
"Sit up then sweetheart," I laugh.
She sits up slowly and turns around towards me. "Oh Mia your bra-strap it's twisted," she says noticing the strap poking out of my top. She places her hand on my shoulder and gently untwists the strap. "Sorry," she says pulling her hand away. "I should have asked before I-"
"Sweetheart it's fine you go ahead. You might need to put your hand down the back of my top to untwist it fully." I wink at her quickly.
Charlotte steps back in shock. "I... ok hang let me just.." she says slowly lifting up the back of my top and untwisting the bottom of my bra strap. Her hands feel all cold as they touch my bare back, I never want it to stop. I can feel my back tingling with the sensation of her fingers on my strap.
"Are, are you ok you flinched?" She asked  pulling her hand back out.
I laugh softly. "I'm fine I promise. Char, I just like you."
Char opens her mouth to speak but before she can I pull her closer pressing my lips against hers. As I pull away I look into her eyes, I can see the pink come back onto her cheeks as she smiles.
I grab the back of her neck and kiss her again, continuously each kiss getting deeper and deeper. We stop for a moment to catch our breath and she pulls me back in hastily to kiss me even deeper. I slowly move the kisses down her face, pressing them onto her neck softly. I can feel her entire body shudder as I do.
"Are you ok," I whisper in between kisses.
"More than ok," she whispers back. I trace my kisses back up to her lips but this time I feel Char's hands grab my ribs slowly lifting my top up. I smile as she makes eye contact with me, my top on the car floor and I feel her gaze slowly wander down my body.
She pulls my jumper off her and throws it where my top is before pulling be back in for more kisses. I do the same to her, pulling her top off over her head as I kiss her. We pull away and I let my eyes wander down her body. 

I move the kisses down her face and neck and onto her chest where her bra exposes. I hear her moan softly as I do. "Amelia.... Roberts..." I hear her whisper between breaths. I've never heard my name whispered like that before and oh lord does it feel good.

I slowly traced my hands down her face and neck and onto her chest. I pressed my hand their gently, feeling her breath heart beating rapidly under my hand.
"Alright sweetheart?" I whisper. I smile for a few moments as I feel her heart start to race even faster. I gently push her down so she's lying across the two seats. I pull myself over her so my knee is between both her legs and my head hovers above hers. I hover my lips over hers for a few moments hearing her breathing get heavier. I take my finger and brush it across her bottom lip before slowly stroking down her neck and chest. I watch as her eyes widen and she starts to moan softly before pressing my lips onto hers, our tongues intertwining. She lifts her hands up to behind my neck as I kiss her, whilst running her hands through my hair.
"Are you ready sweetheart?" I whisper softly as our lips release. Char nods and I take my hands around her back and start undoing her bra. I release the clasp and throw it on the floor, lifting Char upright and kissing her passionately. "Payback," she whispers as she undoes my bra hastily and throws it on the floor. I can't help but giggle slightly as she touches my upper body  whilst kissing me deeply.
"Amelia Roberts you are my weakness," she whispers deeply into my ear before kissing the edge of it. I clasp my hands onto her waist tightly as she does. Our lips release for a few moments and my eyes begin to scan her body again. I trace my hand down her stomach to the waist band of her skirt, sliding my fingers through the gap. "Are you alright sweetheart," I say moving my gaze back to my eyes. "I'm not worry about where your hand is I'm worried about where it isn't," she whispered.

I can tell she surprised herself with that last comment because her cheeks go bright red. I bit the corner of my lip scanning my eyes up and down her body once more. "If you say so sweetheart," I whisper, guiding my hand lower down her skirt and hovering my hand right above where she wanted it. She started moaning more intensely as I let my instincts guide my movements.

Eventually, I guide my hands back up towards her neck and gently kiss her lips, her breathing faster than ever. "You ok," I whisper. Charlotte pants and nods between breaths. I reach over to the floor to grab her bra and top and start helping her get re-dressed. I give her one last quick kiss before climbing back over to the front seat. "Alright I'd best get you home now sweetheart it's getting late."
"What about my car it's still at the nursery?" Charlotte asks.
"What time's your shift tomorrow I'll pick you up and give you a lift in," I say.
"Thanks," she smiles. "It's at 7am. But won't Marjorie see you?"
"I'll drop round the corner if you're really worried then Marjorie or any else won't see my car," I say.
"You're the best Mia," Char smiles.
"You're so cute sweetheart. Right buckle in let's get home."

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