Chapter 28 - Italy

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(Mia's POV)

The taxi picks us up at the airport and pulls up at our villa late at night. I take my headphones off and look over at Char, who is still fast asleep, her head resting on my arm to the point it was starting feel a little numb after 45 minutes in a cab. I smile as she sleeps so peacefully, her hair all scrunched up with pieces flying all over her face but she doesn't notice because her eyes are fully shut, and her lips form a soft smile. Trying not to wake her up, I gently move her head off my arm so it's resting on the headrest and slowly get out to grab our suitcases.

I quickly bring them outside the front door and find the key in the lockbox to put them in the hallway. I return as quick as I can thinking Char must have woken up by now, but to my surprise all the movement hadn't stirred her one bit. "Thank you," I whisper to the driver as I unclip Char's seatbelt and carry her gently inside as the taxi drives off. I'd picked up her up straight from work so she was absolutely shattered and slept most the flight and the entire taxi ride here.

I put her down gently on the sofa and tap her on the shoulder softly, causing her eyes to slowly blink. "We're here sweetheart," I whisper. "You fell asleep the entire way here and I didn't want to wake you, you must be exhausted." "W... what?" She yawns, as her eyes fully open. "I don't even remember going into the taxi how long was I asleep for?" "About 40 minutes bless your heart," I say kissing her forehead gently. "Well it's about 4am local time, fancy a quick power nap before the sun comes up?" "That sounds lovely," she says sitting up slowly.

I take her hand and pull her up off the sofa and we walk around the house to find the bedroom. We go upstairs to the second floor to find a big bedroom with a huge bed in the middle. Char flops herself straight into the bed and she sinks into the mattress. "This is so comfy," she mumbles rubbing her face into the sheets. "I'm glad," I smile. "Let me go and get our luggage."

I head back downstairs quickly to get both our suitcases from the hallway and drag them upstairs to our bedroom before flopping straight onto the bed next to Char. She shuffles herself back and cuddles into me. "Goodnight sweetheart," I whisper turning my head to give her a quick goodnight kiss. "Goodnight," she whispers as her eyes shut again and she is soon fast asleep in my arms.

When I wake up the next morning to birds chirping out the window, none of us had moved a muscle and Char was still fast asleep. I grab my phone off the nightstand to read the time: 8:30am. "Charlotte," I whisper trying to get her to wake up but she doesn't respond. I get myself out of bed slowly and quickly sort out my bangs in the mirror which were still all over the place from yesterday.

I check my phone on the way downstairs to see how far the local grocery shop is, to see there's one a two minute walk away from our villa so I slide on my sandles and pop out quickly to get us some food to make breakfast in bed for when Char wakes up.

I buy some strawberries, two croissants and some pre-made pancakes and syrup. I stop by a coffee place and get a takeaway latte for a char and a strong black coffee for myself before walking back to our villa. I go through all the kitchen cupboards trying to find the equipment until I eventually manage to heat up the pancakes in the toaster and chop the strawberries before assembling everything onto the plate. I try and arrange the strawberries slices into a heart next to the pancakes for a final touch up and take the plates and coffees upstairs to the bedroom, trying my best to balance them all in my arms.

Luckily, I'd left the door open ajar so I could push through and put the plates on the nightstands easily. "Morning sweetheart," I whisper as I put myself back into bed. I turn around to see Char still fast asleep so I poke her arm gently until she eventually turns around and opens her eyes. "Wakey wakey angle," I say as those stunning ocean eyes stare back at me, a small smile painted on her face as her eyes fully open. "Morning," she mumbles.

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