Chapter 6 - I need you

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(Mia's POV)

As I get myself ready for bed, I get a call from Char. "Hey sweetheart," I say picking up the phone. "Hey Mia sorry to call you so late it's just the kids are at Dads tonight and it's awfully lonely in the house and I'm trying to sleep and I can't.." she mumbles, her voice trembling with tears. "Sweetheart it's ok," I say. "Do you want me to come over?" "That's why I rang you," she sniffs. "I know it's really late so if you can't I completely understand." "Charlotte sweetheart," I say. "You're clearly upset I'm not going to leave you like that. Sweetheart I would move mountains to come and see you. You did the right thing ringing me let me get myself dressed and I'll be over right away." "You're the best," she mumbles. I hang up the phone and quickly throw on my skirt and t-shirt, not even bothering with tights before running downstairs and grabbing a bottle of rose and my car keys and heading straight to Char.

I somehow narrowly avoided a speeding ticket when I ran over to the nursery so I speed across the roads as quick as I can to get to Char's. I park the car right by her house before jumping out and ringing the doorbell. Char opens it immediately, her eyes still red from crying. "Sweetheart how much have you slept the last few days?" I say, caressing her cheek gently. "Not at all," she sniffles. "I don't mind living alone it's just at night when the house is all empty I get all scared and I can't fall asleep." I pull her close and hug her tightly, as her body shakes in my arms. "It's ok there's nothing to be scared of," I say rubbing her back gently. "I'm here now and I'm not gonna leave until I know you're ok."  "Ok," she says softly. "Let's get you to bed now sweetheart you need some sleep," I say pulling her away before taking her hand to go upstairs to her bedroom.

Char tucks herself back into bed, she looks so cute in her pyjamas and messy hair falling all over her face. I take my skirt off quickly and go to join her in bed. "Mia do you not have?..." Char asks. "Pyjamas?" I say. "Sweetheart I came as quick as I could I didn't bring anything with me. It's alright I get hot in the night," I say winking.

I can see Char's eyes involuntarily wander up and down my body as I get into bed in my underwear and t-shirt. "It's alright sweetheart you can look at me however you like," I whisper tucking myself in next to her. I kiss her gently and cuddle her tightly from behind. "Thanks for coming over," she whispers. "Of course sweetheart," I say. "Now you'd best get some rest it's late." "Can we not just cuddle for a few more minutes," she groans. "I can do that when you're asleep," I say. Char turns her face around to look me in the eye. "No I want to cuddle whilst I'm conscious please just a few minutes and then I promise I'll get some rest." "Ok then," I smile in defeat before kissing her gently. I continue to softly kiss her on the forehead and lips as she smiles into the kisses.

I gently stroke her hair out of her face, running my fingers through each section of it as she starts to relax. "Goodnight sweetheart," I whisper as I feel her eyes start to close. I wrap my arms back around her as she falls asleep with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. I give her one last kiss on the top of her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep as well.


I wake up the next morning, my arms still firmly wrapped around Char's waist who is still fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I gently move my arms away to try and sit up but that's enough to make her flinch. "Come back," she mumbles not even opening her eyes before dragging my arm back around her waist. "Morning sweetheart," I whisper. "Did you have a nice sleep?" "Best one I've had here for weeks," Char says yawning and opening her eyes. She turns her body around to face me and gently kisses my lips. "Morning," she says as she releases. "Are you working today sweetheart?" I ask. "No it's my day off that's partly why I asked you over last night," Char says.

"So you're telling me you've had all these restless nights the past few days and didn't ring me because you had work in the morning?" I ask, with a sarcastic stern expression on my face. "I didn't want to disturb you," she says behind an awkward smile. I stroke her face softly. "Sweetheart I would move mountains to come to and help you. Do you promise to always call me if you have trouble falling asleep? I'll pack I suitcase for the week if I have to." "I promise," she giggles as she pulls the duvet cover off her legs. "Where are you going?" I say reaching my arm out to try and lie her back down. "The shower," she says pulling herself away. "I miss you already," I groan. "Please be quick."  "I will," she says climbing out of bed and walking out to the bathroom.

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