Chapter 9

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Despite Leigh's promise to bring Logan in for his vaccinations, she missed the appointment again for the second time. Understanding that life gets hectic, you decide that rather than seeing Logan miss another round of critical vaccinations, you'll take matters into your own hands and arrange a home visit at the Shaw's.

On the day of the visit, you discover that Logan has gained 2.5 pounds in just two weeks. The drastic weight gain might indicate that he's not a purebred Shih Tzu as you originally thought when you got him, or Leigh has been feeding him more than the recommended serving size. You can feel Logan's solid back as you hold him in place while you administer the vaccine on his scruff. Leigh appears nervous, and if you weren't determined to scold her after completing Logan's immunizations, you might have found it adorable.

"Just a quick pinch, buddy," you murmur soothingly to the anxious pup. Logan yelps as the needle pierces his skin, but within two seconds, it's over. You rub his neck to distract him from the sting of the medicine, then return to your insulated bag to dispose of the syringe. Leigh watches closely as you finish with Logan, a slight frown creasing her forehead. You notice she's dressed in what you figure is her nightwear—a thin olive camisole and matching capri pants. It seems too dressed down for receiving a guest.

"Why are these vaccines so important, anyway?" she asks lightly, but you don't miss her apprehension behind it. "I mean, he'll mostly be indoors..."

The frustration from her missing two appointments sneaks into your voice as you say, "Vaccines can mean the difference between life and death for puppies. Take the parvovirus—it's lethal and spreads quickly."

Leigh nods, taking in the weight of your words. You notice her swallow, perhaps realizing the graveness of her oversight. "I didn't realize it was that serious," she murmurs.

You catch yourself, realizing you might be coming across as harsher than necessary. "It's alright, Leigh. That's exactly why I came here," you say mildly. You've dealt with many uneducated dog owners before, and Leigh is no different. You know you need to be patient with her, just as you have been with others, and you remind yourself not to let your personal feelings interfere with your professional opinions.

Logan wiggles happily at your feet, seemingly forgiving you for the shot already. "And another thing," you add, glancing down at Logan's round belly, "he's put on quite a bit of weight. We need to watch his diet. Too much food isn't good for him either."

Leigh looks slightly embarrassed. "I guess I've been spoiling him with extra treats," she admits. "I'll be more careful with that."

"It's okay. I know how hard it is to say 'no' to that face," you say, smiling at Logan while you rub his chin. "Just keep to the recommended portions, and he'll be in good shape."

As you gather your things to leave, you remember Logan's vaccine card. After filling out the final details, you head towards the kitchen where Leigh has silently drifted off. She's busying herself with breakfast on the stove when you approach.

"Here's Logan's vaccine card," you say, handing it to her. "He needs another dose in two weeks, so don't forget to schedule that in."

"Thank you," Leigh says, accepting the card with a nod. "I won't forget this time."

The aroma of coffee wafts through the room, tickling your nose.

"I've just made some coffee. Would you like to stay for breakfast?" Leigh asks.

You hesitate, considering the offer, but you're inclined to refuse, still irked by her missing the previous appointments. "I'm good, thanks," you say, a bit too briskly. Leigh's face falls slightly, a look of disappointment flashing across her eyes before she gives you a small, resigned smile and turns back to the stove.

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