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VILE was planning another mission to steal many gemstones in one place.

They are planning to steal expensive gemstones like Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz in (enter city bcs I'm lazy).

I discussed the plans with the team so that they can be informed on what to do. I explained what VILE was planning.

As always, Zack and Ivy will keep out for lookout while Y/N and Shadowsan split up to distract the operatives. Player will hack all the security cameras while I grab the goods.

As I was explaining, I noticed Y/n having a blank expression on her face. She would always nod whenever I explain, maybe she's just tired of nodding.

*Time Skip*

*this means earpice*

It was time to enter the building and snatch the stones before VILE does.

*Everyone ready?* I asked everyone.

*We're in position Carm.* Zack replied.

*Me and Shadowsan have split up* Y/n replied with an annoyed tone.

Maybe she's not in the mood for VILE?..

*Umm, Y/n you ok?* Player asked.

Gosh, these lovebirds need to get some room.

*Yeah, I'm fine.* Y/n replied to Player still having that tone.

*Aww, you guys are so cute.* Ivy stated.

*Shut up, please. We're here to protect the stones.* Y/n said clearly wanting this to be over.

*Alright, stay focused. I'm going in.* I reminded them.

The caper begins.



As soon as Carmen said she was going in, me and Shadowsan immediately split up.

He took the lower ground while I went for the higher ground. It didn't take me long to see an operative trying to chase Carmen.

It was no other than the Tigress. Ew.

"What do we have here? A kitty-cat? I don't wanna hurt you, wouldn't that be considered as animal abuse?" I teased Tigress.

"Haha, funny." She looked annoyed.

"Let's get this over with. I want to go home and rest." I said while getting ready for the fight.

"You might wanna protect the face" She stated while running towards me and trying to scratch my face. Instead of going for the face she scratched my shoulder.

Great, now I have proof that I fought a cat.

"Says the one who failed to protect the face and got hit by Carmen Sandiego." I scoffed kicking her on the face.

"And until now, you still don't know how to." I teased her again. I just love teasing people.

She rolled her eyes and continued to scratch my shoulders and arms. Seriously? Out of all the places the shoulders and arms? Is she dumb or?..

I've had enough. I went to get a metal pole nearby and hit her with it. Dsurb (Deserve)

Now, she's unconscious. I feel proud.

Then, El Topo came and left a bruise on my face and hands. So, I hit him with the pole and now he's unconscious too. Yay!!

And I also did that to the other 12 more operatives and after making them unconscious, I tied them together. Let's just say they irritate me so much with their sexist jokes.

*Hey Carm, I'm done with making 15 operatives unconscious. How 'bout you? You done replacing them?* I asked Carmen through the earpiece.

*Yeah, I'm done.* Carmen replied sounding concerned wonder why.

*Oh, by the way, there's an another operative headed your way. Should I or should I not?*

*No need. I got this covered.*

*Okay then. I'll wait in the car*

I went to the car and sat there (of course). I checked my phone for messages from Player. But there was no notifications.

A few minutes later, I felt so sleepy and decided to take a nap.

My sleep was great until.. Ivy woke me up.

"Hey, Y/n we're here." Ivy said while helping me get out of the car.

"Are you okay? You've been moody all day." She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I replied reassuring her that I was okay.

She helped me go to my room since she saw me struggling to walk.

Curse you period cramps.

As soon as I got in my room Ivy waved goodnight at me. I quickly changed my clothes to my pajamas. Then, I opened my laptop to talk with Player.

"Hey, you okay? Zack told me that you were moody all day and you made 15 operatives unconscious." Player said worried.

Gosh darn it! My cheeks are pink!

"I'm fine. Thanks for the concern though." I replied with a warm smile.

"Also, see that paper bag beside your laptop? That's all the meds and whatever to heal all that bruises. I asked Ivy and Zack to buy you all the things for your bruises and scratches."

My cheeks began to red. HIS WORRIED ABOUT ME?? OMAGASHHHH.

"Thanks." I said looking away from him. 

"Also, were you mad because you didn't get to talk to me? Did you miss me?" He said teasing me.

So, I decided to tease him back.

"Yeah, I did miss you." I said with red cheeks.

His reaction was priceless. His face was more red than a tomato.

"Why are you quiet all of a sudden? Does my beauty make you speechless?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked.

"Your face is so red" I said laughing.

"You are pretty cute." He said smiling.

"You're cute too especially when you smile." I said to him with a warm smile on my face.

"You should get some sleep. It's late at night."

"Yeah you're right. Good night love." I said while blushing insanely.

"Wait what?"





Nah, she's just messing with me or something.

"I said goodnight love." She said while her face turns red like mine.

"Oh. Goodnight too love." I said with a smirk to tease her.

"Bye. Sleep well." She smiled at me.

Gosh, her smile is just so cute, pretty, perfect, beautiful, mesmerizing, lovely and sweet.

"Sleep well too." I said while returning the smile at her.

I ended the call and I couldn't stop blushing. I went to bed and face planted myself.

Does she like me. Dang, I stop blushing.

I can't stop thinking about her. Her hair, her face, her voice her everything is just so perfect. If only she sees that.

Well, I feel like this is going to be a one long night full of romantic thoughts...

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