Hearts breaking

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Narrator POV

„I've been wanting to ask you. Is there someone behind your thought on quitting?"

„Would that make any difference Scarlett?" Vicky asked back as they walked around the lake.

„It definitely would. I'd have a word with that person." she said and that made Vicky think off Olsen. She'd have to argue with her close friend.

„It's no one."

„It's definitely not no one. The way you said it. You are hurt Vicky. Who hurt you?" she asked worried.

„It must be someone you are close with. Was it that person who gave you all those hickeys on your thighs?" she pulled up that information and Vicky almost forgot that Scarlett saw her with those.

„Look, this is something I need to deal with on my own. I'm not gonna tell you who it is. I will never do that."

„Why? Are you ashamed that you had something with that person?"

„No. I just think I have started something that won't end good. So it's best if I stop whatever I did."

„Whoever it is. That persons a bitch. I could never even imagine hurting you."

„Oh come on you just say that to make me feel better."

„No! I am not just saying it to make you feel better. I said it cause I meant it!! You deserve better."
Scarlett reassured Vicky as they ended their walk around the lake.

„Wow my emergency pack of cigarettes is empty and it's getting late. I am sorry I took so much time of off your clock." Vicky apologized as they started to walk back.

„I'll get you a new pack don't worry. Just don't-."
She stopped her sentence as she got interrupted by phone ringing.

„It's Lizzie." she says without realizing that she used her nickname but Vicky already knew her name.

„Hey what's up?"

„Hey where the fuck are you? I've been in the training hall and your office. You are no where to be found." she spoke up mad. Scarlett didn't have her phone on speaker but it was loud enough for Vicky to hear as they walked shoulder on shoulder.

„I went out for a walk. Lost track of time. What's up?" Scarlett talked herself out of it.

„Do you know by any chance where Garcia is? She didn't attend my class today but the trainees told me that she was at training earlier this morning as per usual." Scarlett glanced at Vicky holding eye contact for a moment before looking back forward.

„Ehm she's with me."

„Scar what the fuck? Why is she with you on a walk? Where was she all this time? Did she forget that she isn't allowed to miss class?"

„Okay calm down will you? She had a rough day today. She didn't feel like attending."

„Send her to my office now! Tell her I need to talk to her." she demands hanging up the phone not giving Scarlett the chance to say anything else.
She opened her mouth wanting to say something but Vicky interrupted.

„I don't wanna deal with her rage today. I can't."
She says aloud clearly being hurt.

„I am sorry  V but you have to. It's a demand from your professor and you can't fuck up shit here again you are already being watched carefully.
Just go talk to her and let her know how you feel.
I am sure she will understand."

Vicky scoffed at her answer while walking into the building to take the elevator to Olsen's office.

„You didn't think knocking was an option?" Olsen asked mad as Vicky just bursted through the door not giving a damn about formality.

„You wanted to talk?" she asked as if she didn't do anything wrong. Olsen's face frowns as she feels fooled by her lover.

„Why the fuck were you not attending my class today? Do you know what consequences you'd have to face if there wasn't a valid reason for it?"
She questioned harsh as she leaned forward onto her desk.

„It was a shitty day today and I really didn't want to face you."

Face me? Why does it sound like I was the reason for your absence today? I haven't done anything wrong!" now Vicky was the one feeling fooled.
She scoffed at this answer starting to laugh a bit which makes Olsen look even more mad.

„GARCIA!! This isn't funny, you are in deep shit now don't you realize that?"

„I am in deep shit? Oh fuck off Olsen this is so ridiculous."

„Okay what did I miss? Enlighten me please so we can be on the same page before I lose my fucking mind over your strange behavior!" she was yelling by now.

„I have no business on telling you what I am going through right now! All I am gonna say is go fuck yourself. What we had? It's over. I am done being messed around with all the god damn time and you should stay the fuck away from me as far as you can. I might have to attend your class but I won't exchange a single word with you ever unless I have to." Vicky yelled back as she was starting to feel how her emotions boil up in a bad way.

Vicky is silent about what she saw earlier today because she knows that if Olsen would have the gut she'd come clean about her life situation and feelings.

Maybe she does want her to confess rather than having to confront her about it. Vicky was hoping she'd did. In that case she'd know that Olsen might still have something good in her heart, that wasn't just using her for her fucking sex drive.


„Don't you fucking call me that. You don't get to do that. I should have ended things with you way sooner. Actually I should have stopped it once I realized who you were."

„I don't know what I did." Vicky started to laugh once again while tears were streaming down her face by now. She didn't want to cry in front of her.

Olsen got up to walk around the table, wanting to reach out for Vicky's hand but she flinched stepping back to creat an even bigger distance.

„Of course you have no idea what you did. That's because you don't think properly and neither are you being honest with yourself or with me. So as an analyst. Go ahead and that fucking brain of yours click. Maybe you'll realize then what harm you caused me."

„Don't I don't wanna hear a single word from you. This is already hard enough for me. We are done!"
She fires back as she didn't even give Olsen the chance to say anything. She left the office storming away leaving her ex lover behind and she wished she'd never have to do it.

Not like this...

A/n: I know drama was about to happen but we are not done yet. Let the drama continue in the next chapterS.

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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