CH. 12

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"In the tapestry of time, a thread of darkness unravels, signalling the rise of an evil that threatens to engulf our world."

The twins were walking down the hallway, their auras were so strong people around them had to take a step back, not wanting to agitate the two

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The twins were walking down the hallway, their auras were so strong people around them had to take a step back, not wanting to agitate the two. Every step they took sent shivers down the spine of the other ordinary students. They were after all, the Princess and Prince of the Underworld.

Everything was going on as usual. Joonhwan and his powerful steps coordinated well with Jiyoon's sharp glares. It was until, someone passed by the two of them and the girl immediately felt an unusual strong force—a dark soul.

Jiyoon stopped her steps, closing her eyes shut. Between the two of them, Jiyoon's sensitivity towards dark and evil souls were sharper than Joonhwan. But this time, Joonhwan felt something too, something nefarious.

"You feel that?" Jiyoon asked, looking around the hallway trying to spot who brought such bad aura. But much to their liking, the hallway was too crowded to pin point their suspicion towards any specific figure. "Yeah, this is bad, isn't it?"

Jiyoon was about to open her mouth to speak when suddenly, her fellow fifth year Corvus approached them. Jungwon smiled at the two, not noticing that the environment between them were serious. "Have you heard about—"

"In a minute, Wonie." Jiyoon cut him off, making the boy stare at her in confusion. He turned his head towards Joonhwan, only to see that he had the same exact expression. "Okay, this is odd. What's going on?"

Jungwon noticed both of their eyes were glowing red, meaning that they both activated their powers. However, what he did not know was their powers activated by itself, triggered by the dark soul.

"There's a dark soul here." Joonhwan said simply, making Jungwon frown. "In our school?"

A dark soul isn't just like any other soul. Someone evil could not have tainted their soul that easily, they must have condoned such sinful deeds that made their soul almost the equivalent of black.

"We should tell father," Jiyoon sighed deeply. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hold on, are you sure? Like, sure sure?"

Joonhwan nodded. "It's different Jungwon, it's not just another evil spirit. We've seen many of those in the Underworld, the difference is the souls there have no place to live, they have no body."

They were residents of the Underworld, spotting a dark soul was not something new. Faithful souls would have never been sent there in the first place. But for a dark soul to wander around freely, unleashed, in an alive body, might bring catastrophe to the world.

Jungwon nodded his head. Tales regarding Jiyoon's parents were well known in this academy. It was not a new thing for someone so evil to step foot in this school, especially because they all have powers. "Alright, he must have known something too. Let's just hope we're wrong about this."

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