CH. 21

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"Life is a game of chess, where each decision shapes the board of our destiny."

The glass door was pushed open, revealing the almighty King of Underworld, Huang Renjun

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The glass door was pushed open, revealing the almighty King of Underworld, Huang Renjun. A board meeting was immediately held after the explosion in the ministry. It was not a rare thing for unusual mishaps to happen in Mount Olympus. However, this time it was much more serious as it caused damage to the high ranking politicians.

"I presume we all know why we are here today." The King brought up, looking at his fellow minister.

"Your Majesty, the recent terrorist attack have brought massive concern in the republic. Our forces have been mobilized, and we're coordinating with law enforcement to gather intelligence on potential suspects." Said Lee Jaehyun, the Minister of Defence.

"Your Majesty, we must also consider the possibility of dimensional interference. There are whispers among our arcane scholars of dark souls that could breach the barriers between worlds. We must not discount the involvement of entities beyond our realm in orchestrating such chaos." Choi Yeonjun, the Minister of Prophecy added. 

He was indeed right, there were whispers regarding an unleashed evil soul that was beginning to rise. The King's attention darted towards a specific male dressed in blue suit, the Minister of Domains. They were old friends and somehow, they had almost a similar blunder in their lives.

"Your warning is grave indeed. Our realm has faced many threats in the past, but none so perilous as the awakening of an ancient evil." The King said, alarming his friend who definitely knew what he meant. 

Jimin raised an eyebrow, not taking the King's words well. "Pardon me, Your Majesty, I don't quite comprehend what you mean by that."

Renjun lips tugged into a small smile, but his eyes were throwing shooting arrows. "Must I remind you about your wife, or is that clear enough?"

The Minister swallowed the lump in his throat, eyes sharpening as soon as he heard his wife being mentioned. "Your Majesty, I'm sorry for correcting you but it's ex wife. I believe you also have similar happenings back then, if I'm not mistaken."

The other ministers did not have the courage to speak, watching as the two duel in arguments. If only the Minister of Underworld was here, he would have been the one stopping the two from the quarrel. Unfortunately, he was still recovering from his injuries.

Renjun cleared his throat, not wanting to brought up the argument even more. "It's imperative we address the threats emerging from the Assembly of the Unknown. What progress have we made in identifying their leader?"

"Your Majesty, our investigations into the Assembly's activities have yielded some leads. However, the identity of their leader remains elusive. They operate in secrecy, leaving behind only cryptic messages and symbols." The Minister of War informed.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The Assembly of the Unknown seems to possess knowledge beyond mortal comprehension. We suspect they may have access to ancient texts or prophecies that grant them insight into our realm's vulnerabilities." The Minister of Wisdom added, it was in fact true that the activities of the organisation was prodigious it was able to undergo undetected.

Yeonjun nodded his had, trying to reconstruct a new strategy to tackle down this demonic soul, including its leader. "Your Majesty, the threads of destiny are entwined with the Assembly's actions. I'll consult the oracles and unravel the skein of fate, no secret can remain hidden from the eyes of destiny."

"Very well, Ministers. Time is of the essence, and the fate of Olympus hangs in the balance. Our world shall not fall prey to the machinations of the insidious devil that lurk beyond."


Destiny is the intricate tapestry of fate woven from the threads of our choices, circumstances, and the unseen forces that shape our lives. It is the invisible hand guiding us along the path of our existence, leading us toward a predetermined destination that awaits us at the end of our journey. 

In the midst of chaos, where uncertainty reigns supreme and confusion clouds our vision, destiny emerges as a guiding light, offering clarity and direction in the face of adversity. It is within the calamity that we often find the hidden treasures of our destiny, waiting to be unearthed amidst the rubble of shattered dreams and broken illusions. For destiny is not merely a destination to be reached, but a journey to be embraced.

This strong magnetic force can feel like a double-edged sword, casting shadows of doubt and uncertainty upon our path. In the labyrinth of fate, Jiyoon found herself ensnared in the chains of predetermined outcomes, feeling damned by the inexorable pull of destiny's hand that lead her path to Park Sunghoon.

It was not clear even until now, why their encounter, had become such a huge turning point in both of their lives. All she knew was that she was either destined or damned.

"How's your father, Jungwon?" Joonhwan asked, snapping Jiyoon out of her fantasy.

The three Corvus students were casually having a lunch in Regius Hall as usual. Jungwon slowly gained his laughter back as his father was recovering well. 

"A lot better, thankfully." Answered the boy, continuing to much on his baked potatoes.

Jiyoon took a sip of her butterbeer, her attention was drowned towards a specific year seven Corvus who was having lunch with his brother and best friend. The two quickly realised what she was doing, but did not even bother to pester her about it.

"I heard about what happened yesterday, Jiyoon," Jungwon started a new topic, asking her about the grim situation from yesterday. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright." Jiyoon retorted lazily, not wanting to brought up more about the mishap assuming they already knew about it. "Have you told father?"


Joonhwan frowned, his protective brother side beginning to kick in. "Are you out of your mind? Why don't you tell him?"

Jiyoon swirled her glass, watching as the liquid moved to her will. She was battling with her own thoughts, debating which is better, war or risking her life.

"Father would burn the school down to ashes if he finds out. Plus, he probably has better leads than us."

In the crucible of war and amidst the specter of death, destiny casts its shadow, haunting the souls of those ensnared in its grasp. For her, it felt like a curse, a relentless force driving them towards their inevitable demise.

Yet, even in the face of such damnation, there were whispers of gratitude amidst the despair, and it came in the form of a man—the descendant of Erebus. 


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