38. Durdhara (Part 3)

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"What's wrong with all of you!?" Chandrakant snarled at his friends.

He stood on the balcony, the cool evening air doing little to calm the hurricane raging inside him. His heart beat a furious rhythm, a tumultuous mix of anger and longing swirling within him.

Below, by the poolside, Devika was sitting. Her presence was like a dagger in his heart. She seemed oblivious to the turmoil she had unleashed within him, her giggles floating up to him like a cruel taunt. He clenched his fists, fighting the urge to scream, to make her understand the havoc she had wrought in his life.

Five. Months.

For five fucking agonizing months, Chandrakant had battled to purge Devika from his thoughts. She was a bloody bewitching enchantress, her temptation irresistible, igniting a passion in him that burned like wildfire. Each moment spent with her was etched into his memory, tormenting him with what could have been.

He longed to rewind time, rewrite the script of their encounter, undo the strings of fate that had bound him to this nightmare. If only he could alter the course of events, change his destiny, and break free from this all-consuming love that threatened to consume him whole.

Butterfly effect or whatever shit!

Initially, Chandrakant had viewed Devika as a passing breeze, a fleeting sensation that tickled his senses. However, everything changed that fateful morning when the sun's gentle rays caressed her face, illuminating her features in a golden glow. At that moment, as he gazed into her eyes, it was as if a storm had been unleashed within him, stirring emotions that had lain dormant in his heart.

Her eyes were like captivating portals to her innermost being, they sang to him her love.

They were like sirens, calling out to him from the depths of his soul, beckoning him into unknown depths. From that point onward, Devika became more than just a passing fancy—she became his obsession. Her image haunted his thoughts relentlessly, like a shadow that refused to be cast aside, no matter how hard he tried to banish it.

Her memory lingered in his mind like the fragrance of jasmine on a summer night, intoxicating and impossible to ignore. Despite his best efforts to escape her hold, she remained like a stubborn monsoon rain, drenching his thoughts with her presence. It was a maddening.

To shield himself from these painful fantasies, he threw himself into his work with a fervor bordering on obsession. Days blurred into nights as he poured over files, attended meetings, and buried himself in tasks, all in an attempt to drown out the echoes of her laughter and the memory of her touch.

Sleep became a distant memory, a luxury he couldn't afford. Instead, he welcomed insomnia like an old friend, embracing the quiet moments in the dead of the night when the world was asleep, and he was alone with himself. In those solitary hours, he found himself consumed by a flood of emotions, his pillow often dampened by silent tears shed in the darkness.

He was acutely aware of how deeply she had affected him, and the realization filled him with a sense of dread. He was afraid of the power she held over him, of the way she had infiltrated every corner of his mind and heart.

When Jagdish had mentioned thinking about Nishita's image every night, Chandrakant had dismissed it as mere whimsy. Now, however, he found himself in a similar loop with Devika. She had enveloped him entirely, her presence overwhelming him. It felt as though she had taken up residence in his home, her image omnipresent, greeting him with a smile at every turn. She had woven herself into the fabric of his life, her essence pervading his every thought and moment.

He knew he was on the brink of destruction, teetering on the edge of an escarpment with no way back. Yet, even as he trembled on the edge, he couldn't bring himself to turn away. The pull of her presence was too strong, too irresistible. He was like a moth drawn to a flame, unable to resist the magnetism of her light even as it consumed him whole.

And he bloody wanted to be consumed, to die.

"Devi..." His voice was barely a murmur.

Yet she turned, catching his eye, speaking to him the truth—her truth.

In that instant, something inside him snapped.

She yearns for you. She fucking wants you yet she's running from her desires... Why!?

Ask her!

No... She said no...



Five months and Baggy's already lost it.

And there is our Jagdish, who had spent three years lost in dreams yet stood tall, smiling as if nothing had ever fazed him.

Some men XD

"Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi" is such an apt song for this chapter, the pain and the love.

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