Part 2

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"You are soon to be the Queen of Halloween Kingdom. I am getting much older, and I know you are still young, but after your mother's death, it's been harder for me to rule. I know I am going to have my second death soon. I wish I had created you sooner," King Halloween murmurs.

"You are King Halloween. You run Halloween and people love the holiday. Halloween is people's favorite holiday even before Chr-. I can't even say that disgusting word. You know how to freak people out and make them happy at the same time. How am I supposed to do that? I have never scared anyone in my life. People seem to see me as too human, and I never felt so alone," Eve gulps.

Lifting her head, he smiles as his teeth crack into halves. Landing on the ground, he shakes his head as he faces away from Eve.

"I am ugly and old, and you are perfect, Eve. I can't bear to look at you with my horrible face. I know I am supposed to be scary, but I am just horribly ugly at this point," King Halloween whimpers.

"Daddy, I will always love you! Don't talk like that, and you are not ugly to me," Eve grins.

"I know I should be mad at you smiling so much, but I can't stand not looking at you. I love you, Eve, but never tell anyone that. No one can know because they will see me as weak," King Halloween explains.

Hearing high heels tap against the ground, a woman with black and white hair approaches them.

"Sire, are you doing alright," The woman smiles half-heartedly.

Her black dress presses against her skin as her bones crackle through the lining of the dress.

"I am just talking to my daughter, maid" King Halloween addresses.

Removing Eve from his lap, he walks towards the woman as he slightly looks back at Eve.

"Halloween is coming, and we have a lot to do," King Halloween groans as he enters the pitch-blackness of the castle.

Sitting on the chair, Eve puts her knees to her chest. Holding onto herself tight, she looks at the ground.

"I wish...I wish I was scary. No one will take me seriously as the Queen of Halloween. I look too human. I was created by the evilest monsters in the world, and I look like a freak from a town full of monsters. How is that even possible?" Eve thinks to herself.

Pulling her hair, she shakes her head.

"I am just a freak. I should have never been born," Eve cries as tears drip down her face.

The brisk breeze breathes down her neck as she lifts herself off the throne. Heading into the castle, she gasps for air as she charges towards her father. His bones scatter across the orange and black flooring. His neck tilts to the side as a tear stains his creaking bones. Holding her father, she pulls him close as her screams soar through the sky.

"Father, what happened to you!" Eve whines.

Approaching her, the older maid woman stares down at her and points at her.

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