10.ii. His Support

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Prerna's words trembled with emotion as she delved deeper into the memory of that stormy night, her voice barely audible over the relentless roar of the raging storm inside her.

"The hospital was at one of the highest points of Kasauli hills,"
She explained, her words laced with nostalgia and a hint of exhaustion.
"And that night, amidst a storm of epic proportions you chose to make your grand entrance into the world."


Outside, the tempest raged on with a ferocity that seemed to match Prerna's own inner turmoil. The rain fell in sheets, obscuring the world outside in a blur of silver and gray. Thunder boomed in the distance, each rumble a testament to the raw power of nature.


"The auto we were traveling in struggled to navigate the treacherous terrain,"
Prerna continued, her voice breaking with emotions as she once again lived through that night.
"And soon, the way ahead became impassable. But your Papa, he didn't hesitate. He didn't falter."

As she spoke, Prerna's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her admiration for Rishav shining brightly even amidst the darkness of the storm.

"He covered me with a flimsy plastic sheet, shielding me from the driving rain,"
she said, her words tinged with gratitude.

"And then, with a strength born of love and desperation, he lifted me into his arms and began to walk."


The weight of Prerna's body bore down on Rishav with an almost unbearable intensity as she struggled to stay still due to the pain, each step a herculean effort in the face of overwhelming odds. But he refused to yield, his determination unwavering even as the rain soaked through his clothes and the wind whipped at his skin.

With each passing moment, the storm seemed to grow fiercer, its fury unabated by the passage of time. But still, Rishav pressed on, his arms a fortress of unwavering support as he carried Prerna through the darkness and the chaos.

The journey to the hospital felt like an eternity, each minute stretching into an eternity of pain and uncertainty. But through it all, Rishav remained by Prerna's side, his support a beacon of hope amidst the storm.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they reached their destination. The lights of the hospital loomed before them like a beacon of salvation, their glow a welcome respite from the darkness that had enveloped them.

As they crossed the threshold into the warmth and safety of the hospital, Prerna felt a wave of relief wash over her, her exhaustion mingling with the overwhelming gratitude she felt towards Rishav.


"He was my hero that night,"
Prerna whispered, her voice echoing in the empty corridors of their home.

"Through wind and rain, through pain and fear, he never once let me go. And because of him, because of his unwavering love and support, you came into this world safe and sound."


As the flashback resumed, the scene once again shifted to Rishav's determined stride towards the hospital reception as he carried Prerna's weight, his arms trembling with exertion but his resolve unyielding.

"I'm here, Prerna Ji. Don't worry," Rishav reassured her, as he laid her down on a stretcher. But when Prerna asked about the financial aspect of their situation, Rishav hesitated, his brow furrowing with worry.

"Rishav Ji, how much money do we need at the hospital?"
Prerna's voice was tinged with concern, her eyes searching his face for reassurance.

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