1. Kacchan looses his pants

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“ Come back here before I blow your ass to outer space!” 

“ Dang it’s getting farther and farther away each time. Last time it was just Tokyo.” I wheezed out as I ran.

Yes, I was currently being chased through the school grounds by an angry and explosive Pomeranian whom I lovingly called Kacchan.

Why you ask? Well that’s a stupid question. When did this guy ever need an excuse beat people up. Ok well there was a reason today.

About 2 minutes ago when I was searching for a place to quietly eat my lunch behind the gym I came across a scene that was extremely threatening to my already small appetite.

There was Kacchan and two of his goonies. He was holding a poor quirkless kid up by his collar, right hand sparking dangerously close to the kids face.  

I sighed running a hand across my face. And there goes my lunch period.

“You know you look pretty stupid bullying kids without any pants on,” I called out as I raised a hand towards Kacchan.

“ HEHH??!” his face whipped around to  the sound of my voice. His teeth bared as he literally growled at me. Is he an actual dog? Good god.

“ What the heck are you talking about Deku?!”

“Look down dumbass.”

He looked down only to find his pants gracefully piled around his ankles.

Maybe I should explain. I’d inherited my moms quirk ‘Pull’. But at times when quirks pass down from generations they may have some mutations. So in my case not only could I pull objects towards me, I could make them go every other way as well.

So in Layman’s terms - I had Telekinesis.

Which can be very helpful to pull people’s pants down believe it or not.

So that's how we’re here. After trying to pull his pants up, shout insults and run after me all at the same time he finally managed to take off after me. I was already halfway across the football field by that time. And yes Kacchan looked extremely stupid much to my satisfaction.

Just a little more..’ I thought. Once I get into the school building and in front of a teacher he can’t hurt me. 

A shudder ran through my body as I felt an uncomfortable warmth near my spine. I yelped and crashed through the doors just in time.  Thankfully there was a teacher within detention range.

I walked in calmly while Kacchan skidded to a halt behind me when he saw the teacher. Unfortunately for him his goonies did not. They crashed into him and all three went tumbling to the floor.

I bit my cheek hard to keep from laughing. I seemed to be the only one in the entire world who could make Katsuki look like a complete idiot, and boy did I enjoy it.


I regret saying that.

I very much did not enjoy it. Because I was now cornered in a narrow alleyway on the way home; and the chances of me leaving with my eyebrows intact were narrower than said alleyway.

“ This’ll teach you to never mess with me again,” Kacchan said as his infamous right hook landed straight into my gut. At room temperature thankfully.

I doubled over in pain as an inhuman sound left my lips. I looked up through bleary eyes only to see a fist growing rapidly in my vision.

Pray for me.


I guess I should be thankful I still had all of my hair. But my bruised stomach and bleeding nose protested otherwise, as I stumbled into my foster parents house.

Better get to my room quickly before they spot me. The last thing you wanted to be in a foster home was trouble. I had managed to last 4 years here by keeping my head down. I’d like to keep it that way.

I tip toed up the stairs, avoiding the squeaky one with practiced ease. I exhaled in relief as I finally reached the door to my room. I was about to open it when the door next to mine opened.

Ren, the other foster kid peeked out . He was 2 years older and an absolute ass. He smirked as he took in my pathetic state.

“ Getting into fights now are we Zuzu?” He drawled. “ Wouldn’t the Nakamura’s like to know.”

I stiffened. “ I-I fell down the stairs at school.” I managed to get out.

“Is that so-“

I slipped into my room before he could finish and slammed the door shut. I sighed as I finally flopped onto my tiny bed. I started blankly up at the ceiling and let the day just…sink in.

Shit,” I let out a humorless laugh. That’s what my life was, wasn’t it. Shit.

I rolled over and immediately winced as a sharp pain shot through my ribs. I groaned as I realised I’d need to get up to bandage them. I got up slowly and reached for the first aid supplies I kept under the bed. I managed to take off my shirt with a significant amount of cursing and assessed the damage. Painful purple spots littered my abdomen. Wincing I tried to remind myself they probably looked worse than they were. I started with my routine of cleaning and bandaging.

Kacchan didn't usually beat me up like this. He mostly left me alone. It was only when I try to stop him picking on quirkless kids that he got like this.

We actually used to be friends when we were little can you believe it?! But as you can tell the screw in his head just kept getting looser. Maybe it was the nitroglycerin fumes getting to his head. Is nitroglycerin intoxicating?  Who knows. Heck, what even is nitroglycerin.

I flopped back onto the bed once I was done.

'I wish my mom were here.'

Whoa whoa whoa. Where'd that thought come from. I thought we'd agreed to keep the depressing thoughts on a once-in-a-year basis brain. I splayed my hands in front of my face as if I could physically push the thought away.

Mom had died when we got into a car crash when I was 4. I was 13 now. And honestly- I didn’t even remember anything about her. But that did not stop the absolutely crippling sense of loneliness I felt more often than I'd like to admit. Sometimes when I’d see kids in the playground laughing or crying with their parents, or in moments like these when I’d wonder what it felt like to be held close by a parent, feeling all of my worries evaporate with the warmth of the hug...

Shut up shut up shut up. Didn't I tell you to shut up already.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my throat closing up. Don’t spiral now. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. In. Out. In. Out-


I flinched at the sudden loud voice. It was Mrs. Nakamura. Better get down to see what that lady wants. I sighed for the thousandth time that day.

I reached downstairs to find the pudgy lady standing near the front door. She glared down at me, her signature scowl in place. In the 4 years I’d known her I’d never seen her wear any other expression. When she saw both Ren and I had come downstairs stairs she pulled a kid standing behind her. He had completely hidden behind her large frame.

I looked him over . He was taller than me but looked about the same age. He had Einstein purple hair and dark eye bags. Mrs. Nakamura cleared her throat to get our attention.

“Meet your new foster sibling. Shinsou Hitoshi.”

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