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As soon as we stepped in, I already could feel everyone's eyes on us, not me but him, the new Hueningkai look.

The girl was looking him up and down unlike before when they didn't even bother to look, I looked down at my hand as I felt him squeeze my hand.

Understood by his small action, I tightened my grip and brought him somewhere quiet. I hold his shoulder as I make him make eye contact with me.

His body is shaking from the anxiety, I feel bad for forcing him to change his look when he is not even ready yet.

"Hey? Look at me. Shush don't worry, you're okay."

"I'm sorry for forcing you to come like this, let's change you back okay?" He nodded his head rapidly as his eyes welled with tears.

[√] 𝖬𝗒 𝖭𝖾𝗋𝖽 - 𝖪𝖺𝗂Where stories live. Discover now