Chapter 1. The beginning.

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock i have to wake up a hour earlier cause i have to get my brothers up for school and it be a mess sometimes cause they some hard sleepers, first i went to the living room and woke up mikey and vonte and jay and tay i quietly went into my mama room and got their clothes. and brought it back out to them, they all had a white t-shirt except for mikey he had a transformers one, and they had some jeans and some af1 they don't have that many shoes they have 3pairs a piece but mikey and vonte wear the same size so they share and the twins share as well. after they washed up and got dressed they all sat down at the table, and yes they have to be quiet in the morning cause our mama sleeping and they just have respect for her. i fixed them some cornflakes and gave them a half of apple, since they can't eat breakfast at school cause it costs extra money and we can only choose one to afford one for them and that's lunch. I gave them $4:35 cent for the bus since the school buses don't come this far out they have to take the city bus. and we all know why the school buses don't come here. but the city buses give us a discount so it's basically $4 for them plus tax to school and back $2 on the way there and $2back sometimes i take the bus and sometimes my home girl come pick me up. that's a lot of money a day to be paying for a bus but once we get enough money up well buy a yearly bus pass. or even maybe we can move to a decent neighborhood and get to ride the buses like everybody else.

The boys was off to school, so i cleaned up the living room which had their covers on the floor and some on the couch so i folded them up and put them away in the living room closet. i wiped the table down and sprayed some air freshener then i went into the kitchen and cleaned the breakfast mess up. it was around 6:40 ish at this time. so i went into my room and got my clothes out, some blue jeans and light blue shirt with flowers on them. I put on some black boots and grabbed my coat. i grabbed the keys and my phone and went into the living room thinking to myself if i have everything then my mama called my name.
"Monica she said" i turned around and saw her at her door she was wearing a night gown and she had her arms and feet crossed i said "Yes ma'am?" she smiled at me and said "Thank you baby, for all your hard work" I looked at my mama and went up to her hug and said "No problem mama, we're a family" she rubbed my back and we broke out the hug.


it was around 7:15 and i was in the breakfast line with my home girl and she was blabbering about how she caught hykeem cheating on her again, i was listening and just nodding my head and saying mhm, when i got up to the lunch lady i only had a banana on my trey i mean i probably had around 30cent on my account, she looked at my trey then up at me then back at my trey she said "baby why don't you go ahead and grab you one of those eggs biscuits and a juice" I was finna say something then she said "It's covered" i smiled at her and thanked her and i went to sit down with my lil crew. My home girl denise was still fussing about how he cheated on her, and yeah this like the 7th time this happened. Maybe even more. Anyways there was me, Denise naiomi and bre, we was a clique not the most popular girls in school but we wasn't nerds we was just like that one group that's cool with everyone that one group that nobody fw cause they knew not to, but yeah bre been my best friend since 5th grade, and then we met naiomi in 7th and we met denise in 9th and we just all been tight since.  we was talking and just laughing before the bell rung and we threw our treys away and me and naiomi went to our first period and denise and bre went their separate ways.

The Weight of Adversityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن