Chapter one

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Chapter one- The night it all happend..

"You probably wonder what my story is about.." Let me introduce me a bit first, my name is Maddison, actually Maddison Delores to be precise. All my life I have lived in Las Vegas with my mother, people expect the best from me and that is what they get, but don't play games with me because you will regret it. They always say "Never walk alone in the dark."

Well... I didn't listened to that, if I had listened to that, I don't think I would be here at all, and then I don't think I would have found the love of my life. I'll tell you where it all started, it was about 5 years ago...

~2017 september 5~

-5 years ago-

It was midnight, 4am. Maddison wakes up because she has a bad dream she decides to go back to sleep, a little later she wakes up again, she can't fall asleep anymore and is wide awake, she looks at her phone and sees that it is 4 o'clock in the morning,

she looks outside and she sees that the wind is blowing hard, she gets out of bed and walks downstairs to get some water, she takes the glass and drinks a little bit of it , she puts the glass down again and decides to take a walk outside because she can't fall asleep, she puts on her coat and shoes and Maddison opens the door,

it's quite cold but Maddison still goes outside to walk at 4am. Maddison looks around and hears all kinds of strange noises, she regrets going for a walk but she still goes, she hears something in the trees, but luckily it was nothing.

A moment later, Maddison hears someone walking behind her, she looks back and sees no one. She wants to turn her head again and she sees someone standing from a distance, she starts to shake with fear. She wants to take her phone out of her pocket and the person starts walking towards her, she sees from the walk that it is a boy.

Maddison tries to call her mother but doesn't pick up, "help!" Maddison says, but the boy doesn't respond but just starts walking faster and faster towards her, she blinks her eyes and the boy is standing in front of her, Maddison is breathing heavily from fear. "What are you doing here all alone in the dark at night? You shouldn't be here." The boy says in a deep voice.

Maddison looks at him with fear in her eyes, she sees his eyes turn red, she looks with fear. "Your eyes, they're red.." She says in a dull voice. "Isn't that the point? " The boy says, showing his vampire teeth. "No, this can't be real, I think I'm dreaming! " thinks Maddison.

The boy wants to sink his vampire teeth into her neck, but just in time she escapes and runs as fast as she can, the boy uses his speed powers to catch up with her.

Maddison sees a large rock on the ground and picks it up, she throws the rock straight into his face and runs as fast as she can, the boy bleeds but the blood is also gone immediately. He can no longer see her and tries to look for her, but he can't see her anywhere. In the meantime Maddison is running for her life,

she can see the sun rising and she can see her house in the distance, just a few more steps and she is at her house, she looks back again or that she still sees the boy but luckily she doesn't see anything, a little later she is finally standing at her door completely exhausted, she is breathing heavily because she is so tired from running,

she quickly takes the keys from her pockets and opens the door, she takes of her shoes and jacket and closes the door. Maddison runs upstairs to her mother's bedroom, she opens the door, "Mom wake up!" Maddison says, her mother opens her eyes and says in a soft voice "honey what's wrong, why are you waking me up at 5 am?"

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