Chapter Three

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Chapter three-Betrayed

~2017 september 5~

"My eyes.. They're red!" Maddison was freaking out. "Mom!" Maddison yelled at her mom. "My eyes!!" Maddison yelled again. Celeste ran upstairs and she opened the bathroom door, "What's going on?!" Celeste said to Maddison. "My eyes! Can't you see, they're red! " Maddison said in panic. "Red? They're not red Maddison." Celeste said back. Maddison looked in the bathroom mirror. "They were red I swear !" Maddison said to Celeste.

"Look honey, I get that your tired and seeing things that are not tru-" Said Celeste but she could not finish her sentence. "Mom i'm tired of people saying that i'm seeing things! I am not crazy, why would I even make this up? Mom if you're hiding something from me, then say it now or then I'll find out for myself." Maddison said mad.

Celeste did not knew what to say or do at this moment so she just left the room. Maddison was so disappointed in her mom, nobody listened to her. She started thinking, maybe that creep did it to me, Jay! Maybe that's the reason of those red eyes! Maddison decided to get in bed to get some sleep cause is has been such a long day, she played in bed and her eyes were slowly closing, a little later she fell asleep.

~2017 september 6~

The next day.. Maddison woke up from her alarm clock, she looked at the time and got out bed, she walked to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and no red eyes, just normal. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, she put some makeup on and was ready for school. Maddison tried to forgot what happened yesterday to get trough the day.

Maddison put on her shoes, she looked outside and the weather was pretty nice, so she didn't put a jacket on. She opened the door and looked outside, she stepped out the door and closed it. Maddison walked to school, she looked back if she saw anyone. Maddison looked right and she saw Jay walking. Maddison had no fear and decided to talk to him.

"Hey you, Jay! " Maddison shouted. Jay looked at Maddison and walked towards her. "Well hello Maddy." Jay said to Maddison, He called her Maddy, only Amelia called her that. "Don't act innocent Jay, I know what you did." Maddison said to Jay while they were both walking to school. "You aren't so scared of me are you? " Jay said. "Why would I? " Maddison said confused. "Well you know that I attacked you, right? Or was that a surprise? " Jay said to Maddison. Maddison looked at him, she was so angry at him, but she did not feel a fear.

"You will pay for what you did, because of you my eyes were red!" Maddison said. Jay looked confused at Maddison and started laughing. "Eyes, red? That's the lamest sh*t I've heard these years." Jay said. "Your eyes were red as well." Maddison said to Jay. "Look, you already know that I'm a vampire now and that I attacked you, I'm not gonna kill you cause that is boring, sooo.. I'm going to compel you to forget everything what happened that night! " Jay said and he took Maddison by the shoulders.

"September 5, you will now forget the night I attacked you, you will forget that I am a vampire, you will now forget everything about that night." Jay said while he was compelling Maddison. Maddison looked at him confused, "You freak!" Maddison said, and she escaped from him and ran. "Why didn't it work? " Jay asked himself.

Maddison was running, she had finally arrived at school, and this time not too late, Maddison saw Amelia standing by the lockers, Amelia looked at Maddison strangely "He tried to make me forget, I told you he's a vampire!" Maddison said exhausted. "Maddy can you stop acting like a 5 year old? Go write a book about vampires, then people might believe you. But I will not believe that crap." Amelia said and walked away.

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