Chapter Twenty-Two

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This chapter is... let me say cute. You tell me if there's anything you find noteworthy! Even if you don't leave me comments and votes to let me know how you like it/ what you like, please?

Also, the final project has me stressing the fuck out with a fucked sleep schedule, so please bear with me for the next month :/ but for now, here's the chapter!


"When will Sita come home from the airport?" I ask my PA.

"I think madam will be home by around eight, or nine, sir— nine if there is traffic due to the election rallies. Otherwise, eight."

I hum in response and look down at my speech for today, trying to make myself familiar with the words. I use a pen to mark points of interest, and points that I would potentially cut out.

"I asked for furniture for the balcony, how far did you get with it? I've not seen any catalogues."

"You mother chose the furniture, sir," he answers, "it will be delivered in two days."

"Did you have Thathayya's library dusted and cleaned?"

"Yes sir."

"Is there ice-cream in the house?"

"Yes sir."

"And snacks?" I question, further, "chips, popcorn, chocolates?"

There's a prolonged silence before Damodar responds, "yes sir."

The moment's silence is enough to make me conscious of my wandering thoughts. She'll be here tonight, and she is a full-grown adult, she'll be able to arrange for anything she wants. I need to focus.

But she doesn't know her way around Kurnool, and she's never been here, and the sun is so harsh today. She needs to prepare for it.

I send her a quick text.

Just a warning: the sun's extra harsh today... prepare accordingly

Her response is immediate

I checked the weather app, plus it's summer, ofc I am prepared

Isn't my darling so sweet.

Are you packed and ready to leave?

Yes, I am. Don't you have important campaign things to do? Why are you texting me?

I am in the car, on my way

Don't you have to prepare?

I am also prepared.

And I am, I was just going through the speech again.

In that case

Tell me- should I bring anything? For anyone?

I frown at the text. Who is she trying to impress right now?

You don't have to bring anything

It's not your first time meeting them

Not like that, Reddy

I'm asking if anyone wants anything from Hyderabad. I have enough time to pick stuff up


No, I think everyone's got everything they need.


I'm going to finish up some last minute packing

Good luck with the campaign! Stay hydrated!

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