Chapter 42

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I approached Ezio, the clanking of chains echoing in the desolate space. 

His eyes met mine. With a swift movement, I began unlocking the chains that bound Ezio to the cold rock, the chains that symbolized the twisted fate we both had escaped. 

As the last lock clicked open, Ezio wasted no time. He pulled me into a tight embrace, raindrops mingling with the remnants of our shared past. I felt a mix of relief and pain, the scars of our history etched into every moment. 

"I thought I would lose you, Y/n." Ezio's voice was a whisper against the rain. 

Returning the hug, I clung to the familiarity of Ezio's presence in the chaos that surrounded us.

"As if I would ever lose a battle that involved your life on the line. We're partners until the end, remember?" I murmured. 

Ezio pulled away slightly, his gaze intense. 

"Yeah. Partners until the end." Ezio said.

I nodded, the weight of our shared choices settling on our shoulders. 

"How did you end up here? You should've been miles away from this mess." I asked. 

Ezio sighed, a mixture of frustration and resignation in his eyes. 

"Yuki... she planted a tracker on me when I dropped her at her home that one time your hero friends came over, and she took advantage of it. I was observing one of the mafia organizations, and next thing I knew, I was knocked out by sleeping gas. Woke up chained here." 

"That's a mafia tactic for you." I commented. 

Ezio nodded in agreement. "You handled her, though. That was a hell of a fight." 

Silence lingered between us. Then I remembered Bakugou and the League of Villains. Speaking again, with a sense of urgency, I asked "What else have I missed, Ezio? What's happening out there?"

Ezio hesitated before recounting the events that unfolded after my confrontation with Yuki in the Beast Forest. He spoke of the U.A press conference, All Might's battle with All For One, and the mention of my name in connection with the chaos. 

I listened, my eyes reflecting a mix of emotions – concern, determination, and the weight of responsibility. 

After processing all the information, I said "Yuki said she would send us all the documentation that would prove the abuse we went through during our time in the Shmura mafia and the locations of the mafia organizations that want to revive the Shumura mafia." 

Ezio then took out his phone from his pocket and said "Yeah. I was sent all the locations, as promised in her wager." 

As he scrolled through the information given by Yuki, I patted through my body to get my phone. 

I muttered, "Damn. I must have dropped my phone during my fight with Yuki in the Beast Forest."

Ezio put his phone back in his pocket and looked at me. 

He said "I know what we need to do." 

I turned my attention back to him. 

Ezio took a deep breath in and said "So here's the plan. We're a bit far from U.A so, first we need to get a car to make traveling there easier. If we go now, we should arrive late in the afternoon." 

I nodded and said "There should be some forgotten cars around the area. This town was abandoned after the fall of the Shmura mafia." 

Ezio nodded his head in agreement. "Right. After we arrive in U.A, Principal Nezu will host a press conference for you. In this press conference, you will present to everyone the documentation that Yuki sent you. Through the documentation you will prove that it was never your will to join the Shmura mafia and still will be able to work in U.A." 

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