Chapter 45

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I sat in front of many reporters, facing the glaring lights of the press conference. 

The weight of judgment hung heavy in the air, and the livestream broadcasted my every move to the world. 

The room was filled with reporters eager for a scandal, but I was determined to clear my name not only for myself, but also for Yoshida, Yuki, and Ezio. 

Taking a deep breath, I began my emotional journey.

"I stand before you today not just as Y/n, the teacher assistant for Class 1-A, but as someone whose past has been misconstrued and manipulated. To begin, I was born in the slums of Tsunamiizu, Japan – a so called 'lost cause' - a place where dreams are crushed before they even have a chance to bloom." 

 I continued, my voice unwavering. "When I was six years old, my own parents sold me off to the Shmura mafia for some quick cash. I became a pawn in a game I never chose to play. From that day on, I was thrust into a world I could never have imagined – the world of the mafia." 

My eyes flickered with pain as I recounted my past. 

"In the Shmura mafia, I learned survival by any means necessary. I learned martial arts to defend myself in a world that saw me as expendable. My quirk, Everlasting, became both a gift and a curse. The Shmura mafia wanted me for it, exploiting my abilities for their own gain." 

I took a moment to compose myself before revealing the truth. 

"It's true. I can't deny that I was a part of that world, but I can assure you that every day was a battle for my own humanity. I fought to keep my conscience intact, to resist the darkness that threatened to consume me." 

The room was silent as my words resonated through the hearts of those listening. 

I continued, my tone intense. "When I had the chance to escape that life, I took it. I left behind the shadows that haunted me, and I found solace in the light of education. Becoming a teacher assistant at U.A. was not just a job for me – it was a redemption, a chance to make amends for the sins of my past." 

My gaze met the camera, reaching out to every viewer.

"I understand the skepticism, the fear that my past might harm the students of U.A High School, but I want you all to know that I am not defined by the mistakes of my past. I am defined by the choices I make today." 

Tears welled up in my eyes as I pleaded with the world. 

"Please, don't let the sins of my youth condemn me forever. I am not that person anymore. Judge me for who I am now, for the person trying to make a difference in the lives of these young heroes." 

The room was filled with a heavy silence before the questions from the reporters erupted like a storm. 

The first question came from a skeptical journalist. 

"Ms. L/n, can you truly guarantee the safety of the students in class 1-A, given your dark past in the mafia?" 

I met the question head-on, my voice unwavering."I understand the concern, and it's a valid one. But my commitment to the safety and well-being of not only my students, but to all the students in U.A High School is unwavering. I have worked tirelessly to distance myself from the shadows of my past, and I will continue to do so." 

Another reporter chimed in. 

"How can we trust that you won't be swayed back into the criminal world? What assurance can you give us?" 

I took a moment before responding. "I can't change my past, but I can control my present and future. I have taken steps to ensure I remain on the right path, seeking therapy, and surrounding myself with positive influences. My dedication to being a positive role model for the students is my assurance." 

A more personal question came from a daring reporter. 

"What about your family? Have you reconnected with them, or do they still have ties to the mafia?" 

My expression tightened, revealing the pain behind my eyes. "I have chosen to sever all ties with my past, including my family. It was a difficult decision, but necessary for my own redemption. I am focused on building a new life and making amends for the mistakes I've made." 

As the questions intensified, I faced a challenging one that echoed through the room.

"Why should we believe your words? Can you prove that you've truly left the mafia behind?" 

My resolve shone through as I reached into my pocket and retrieved my trusty switchblade.

Gasps filled the room as I deliberately cut the palm of my hand, blood dripping onto the desk. I held my bleeding hand high, a symbol of my determination. 

"This is my blood, a blood oath that I take before you all. I swear on my own pain and suffering that I will never return to the mafia. My past may haunt me, but I am in control of my destiny now."I declared, my voice echoing through the room. 

Surprising everyone, I then walked to the front of my desk, placed my hands on the floor, and bowed deeply. 

A gesture of humility and sincerity, a plea for understanding. 

The room fell silent, witnessing a moment of vulnerability from someone with a dark past. Security personnel then approached me to escort me backstage as the room erupted in a mix of shock and contemplation, the livestream captured the intensity of the moment. 

Aizawa stood backstage, waiting for me to emerge from the chaos of the press conference. The security personnel escorted me with a sense of urgency, and Aizawa couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and pride for you. 

A former ex-mafiosa that turned to an amazing teacher assistant for class 1-A. 

I finally appeared, my demeanor still reflecting the intensity of the moment. 

Aizawa took my bloodied hand and began to wrap it with gauze, he gave me a reassuring nod.

"You did very well out there." He said, his voice calm and steady. 

I said nothing as I just nodded in response, but the tremor in my hands betrayed the lingering tension. 

I hesitated for a moment before tentatively reaching for Aizawa's hand. He noticed and, without a word, clasped my hand gently yet firmly. 

Our fingers intertwined, and I gave him a small, grateful smile, silently conveying my appreciation for his support. 

Aizawa's stern expression softened as he returned the gesture, understanding the vulnerability beneath my calm exterior. 

"Ezio is waiting for you." Aizawa said, breaking the silence. 

He tightened his grip on your hand, a silent reassurance that I wasn't alone in this. I reciprocated, gripping his hand more firmly, finding solace in the connection. I nodded, gratitude evident in my eyes. 

Together, we walked hand in hand, navigating the backstage chaos as security ushered us toward a waiting car outside. 

As we approached the car, the world outside the livestreamed press conference seemed distant now, and the support we found in each other's grasp provided a grounding anchor in the midst of the storm.

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