Chapter 44

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Principal Nezu dismissed everyone from the meeting and everyone began to disperse. 

Ezio approaches Aizawa who was about to leave with you in his arms. 

Ezio said "Aizawa, mind sticking around for a couple of minutes?" 

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him and asked "What for?" 

Ezio replied "Just wanted to have a little chat. You know, man to man." 

Aizawa looked at you and sighed. 

"Fine. Just let me put her down on the chair." Aizawa said.

Aizawa put you down on the chair he was sitting at. He looked back at Ezio who was observing him. 

Aizawa asked "What's on your mind, Ezio?" 

Ezio smirked. 

"Tell me, Aizawa, how do you really feel about Y/n?" Ezio asked curiously. 

Aizawa replied "L/n? Why are you suddenly asking about her?" 

Ezio said teasingly "Oh, no reason. Just making small talk. You know, friendly banter." 

Aizawa said suspiciously "Right, friendly banter." After a few seconds of thought, "I don't know. She's competent at her job." 

Ezio said playfully. "Come on, Aizawa. You can't fool me. There's something more there." 

Aizawa said while frowning "What are you getting at?" 

Ezio said while leaning in "I've been around the block a few times, my friend. I can sense these things. There's a soft spot there, isn't it?" 

Aizawa said defensively "No, there isn't. I just work well with her." 

Ezio teased "Sure, sure. Whatever you say." 

Aizawa raised an eyebrow and said "Why are you suddenly so interested in my personal life?"

Ezio said while leaning back. 

"Well, since we're being honest, what will end up killing me in the end will not be because of a mortal wound, but because of my quirk." Ezio said bluntly. 

Aizawa looked at him concerned. 

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asked concerned.

Ezio replied "My quirk, Time Foresight. As Midnight mentioned, is a double-edged sword. Powerful, but overusing the quirk or attempting to foresee events too far into the future can be mentally taxing and may cause temporary exhaustion. Which drains my life energy. Tomorrow might be the day it catches up with me." 

Aizawa said, shocked, "Not even L/n quirk could heal you?" 

Ezio shook his head and smiled. "No, her quirk only works on physical wounds, there's no way of saving me... However, I overheard you defending Y/n earlier. I'd really feel at peace knowing she's next to a man like you." 

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Don't twist my words. I just don't want anyone to suffer because of our choices." 

Ezio said while smirking. "Sure, sure. But you can't deny there might be something more there. Live a little, Aizawa." 

Aizawa sighed and said "You're impossible." 

Ezio grinned and replied humorously "Takes one to know one. Well, it's time for me to go and complete my end of the plan." 

Ezio looked over to where you were at and ruffled your hair. 

"I'll be back, Y/n." Ezio said. 

Then, he took out his pack of cigarettes and pulled out a cigarette and lit it up with a nonchalant demeanor. 

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