An Animal Returns Home

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You were looking outside Hercules' room window and viewed the sight of Australia, you saw some red kangaroos jumping and having battles with each-other, some cockatoos gliding in the sky and some koalas climbing  trees. "What are you looking at (Y/N)?" Asked aviva. You told her you were just looking for some animals outside and watched them play.
Aviva was curious for some animals too, it reminded her of her team the wild kratts, but she did miss them and the adventures they went on, they could've been kidnapped too. She looked to the left, and saw the ZachBots working on the last part of the jets wing, which means they could be moving the jet to Zach's mystery place soon.

You and aviva warned hercules who was actually feeding kali some leaves, about the jet's wing almost being fixed and if it was fixed it would be time to launch, and leave kali in her natural habitat. Hercules looked outside and he was shocked at the almost fixed wing. "You (guys/girls) are right, I have to bring kali home before she gets exposed! But we must hurry, there is not enough time left, if we get spotted you (guys/girls) would be sent back to prison for the second and third time, if we do this together we won't get caught." Explained hercules. "But how will we hide in the hall-ways if we get caught?" Asked aviva. "I don't have any of my gear on me, or inventions." You were scared along with aviva who didn't have any gear with her. "Don't worry, you (guys/girls) and kali will all be inside of me at all times so you won't get caught. But in some parts of our mission to get kali back home, we must work together, if any other ZachBot comes near you, I will protect you from them." Said hercules.

"Did you know that my eyes can turn red?" Hercules' eyes went to an angry expression and turned from sky blue to a bold red. "You can do that?" You asked hercules. "This is only for me to blend in with the other ZachBots, to go undercover in some situations, and to hide my true self from the others. Mostly because I had to keep my kindness a secret from getting exposed. But for this time, it's time to bring kali home my little heros." Hercules put his pincher out to you and aviva, and did a stack of hands sign which is a meaning of teamwork.

" Hercules put his pincher out to you and aviva, and did a stack of hands sign which is a meaning of teamwork

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You both climbed inside of hercules along with kali. "Alright are we ready?" Asked hercules. "Yes sir!" You and aviva shouted.
hercules hovered out of his room along with you, kali and aviva inside of him. "Alright, hang on tight, because this is going to be rough!" Before you began to speak, he zoomed sonic speed across the halls, he had no time to loose to bring his pet koala back to her natural habitat. But there was a problem, the ZachBots had normal bodie shapes, but they're bodies were rusty, and looked mangled as if they were a gnawed by a lion, they had hats and an outfit that resembled a nutcracker, they're faces had pink cheeks, smaller eyes, there ear-pipes were to their sides like human ears, the speaker now resembled a nose, and they had sharper teeth, they had sharp edges and scares that resembled wounds, and actions that resembled a group of zombies (In-fact hey were old ZachBots from a long time ago since last Christmas), and they made moaning sounds that resembled the a zombie makes.

 But there was a problem, the ZachBots had normal bodie shapes, but they're bodies were rusty, and looked mangled as if they were a gnawed by a lion, they had hats and an outfit that resembled a nutcracker, they're faces had pink cheeks, smaller e...

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You and aviva gasped at the withered robots, hercules charged at them with his hand-saws against his will, shot some far away with his lazer eyes, and punched them really hard with his hand-saw hoping they'd deactivate, one bit him badly on the top side of his chest, causing him to yell, but he still had the urge to kill the now called zombie-bot from biting his chest. He still slashed rapidly against the zombie-bots. "This is crazy! No wonder we were staying inside at all times!" You said to aviva as she agreed with you. You cried on her chest as she comforted you. "Is everything alright in there?" Asked hercules. "I don't think so, (Y/N) is crying, probably because (she's/he's) scared of those zombie zachbots." Explained aviva. "Don't worry children, I'll be done with this situation in absolutely no time!" Hercules lunged at another zombie-bot who almost bit him on the arm, and there was more in the corridor to slay. Smash! Clash! Sheer! Bam! Slam! Kapow! Hercules still fought with all his might, he cut an eyeless zombie bot with his saw, clashed one with only one arm and a missing nose, and threw one with a missing hat, and missing teeth. And the last one had a missing head, with arms coming at hercules for his head, so he cut the zombie bot in half, and he was all done, there were no more zombie bots in the hallway.

After the fight frenzy with the zombie-bots, hercules went sonic speed down the stares from the second floor he was on, to floor one. Your intensity calmed down since the zombie bots were dealt with. "See? I always promised I would protect all of you from Zach." Hercules told you and aviva. When you all went outside of the jet, the ZachBots were still working on the jet's left wing.
But luckily enough there was still time, but it was almost evening. you and aviva took the time to hug kali and say goodbye and say how much you'll miss her, it was time for kali to go back to her Home Tree Home, hercules opened his stomach. "Any last words before kali has to go home?" Hercules asked calmly with a depressed expression. You told her goodbye while sobbing, aviva gave her a kiss on the four head and said "we'll miss you kali." And so hercules put kali back in the tree you found her, and grabbed a stick from his chest resembling a small red flag with blue words written BFF (best friends forever) on it, hammered it down into the ground. For hercules' last goodbye, he gave kali one last embrace and handed her some of his leaves he had inside of him. Hercules told kali, "Be safe my little koala friend, we will always- always, be best friends." And hovered back into the jet.

ZachBot x Reader (Wild Kratts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now