Chapter 1: Vivian

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He was here.

I could still smell him, the familiar scent of his cologne stuck to my sheets like glue and the sheets next to me still had warmth to them so I took a minute to bask in the smell before a knock sounded on my door. "Vivian, it's time to get up," my stepmother called from the other side of the door, completely unaware of my late night visitor. "Go away Sylvia" I groaned, already thinking about where Magnus might be right now. 

"Your dad wants to see you in his study in five minutes" her high pitched voice said before the clicking of her heels faded from behind my door. I didn't mind letting the old man wait since there wasn't much else he could really do but before I could even pull myself out of bed Sylvia was right back at my door knocking twice as loud this time. Not a sound came from my closet when I went to open it, telling me that the woman inside had succumbed to the poison I injected her with before I went to bed. 

She didn't have to die, but she had the nerve to touch what was mine. Did it matter that they had only slept together one time two years ago? Not really, she just had to die for good measure. It wasn't fair that she got to touch what was meant for me when he was all I could ever think about, all I could ever dream about and most importantly it was my bed he snuck into every night when not even I was awake. Deciding I've made him wait long enough, I made my way to my fathers study where he sat waiting for me as he glared at me from the other side of his desk, my twin brother Vincent slouched in one of the chairs the look of anger on his face only slightly fading as I walk in. 

"Took you long enough" my father drawled as I draped myself across the chair carelessly, my shoes now in Vincent's face because I knew it would annoy him but for some reason whatever happened before I got here had him angry enough that he hardly did more than roll his eyes at me. "So why did you want me here so early?" I asked curiously as he sighed frustrated "It's nearly noon Vivian" and that's early to be up after everything I did last night and as I was about to voice that, he cut me off "you're getting married Vivian" he said as though even speaking to me was exhausting this got me excited because their was only one man in the entire city who could afford me. 

The excitement must've been clear on my face as my father looked at me suspiciously "so who is it?" I asked gleefully already knowing the kind of person you'd have to be to want to buy me thanks to the outrageous price on my head. "Why are you excited about this? Do you want to be tied to someone who doesn't love you for the rest of your life?" Vincent snapped, not knowing about my last night visitor "you don't know what you're talking about Vinny so shut your mouth for a second" I shushed him as my father watched the entire interaction with a watchful eye. 

"Your price has been paid by Magnus Knight of all people" he announced, probably eager to get us out of his hair as a grin broke out across my face and Vincent finally calmed down probably knowing his friend would take excellent care of me and that our game of cat n' mouse would be made a hundred times easier. Though as we spoke I could've been not far behind the object of my obsession as he goes about his daily routine of sitting in his boring office watching my bedroom on the CCTV cameras I play ignorant about as I took my time stripping between outfit changes knowing all too well that he could see me. 

Soon there would be no need for cameras or tracking devices since we would be living together soon enough, the thought was enough to send heat throughout my body and even better, I'd be able to live without my father and Sylvia looking over my shoulder every time I want to do something. "Don't think I don't know about the woman in your closet Vivian" my father huffed not exactly pleased with the situation but there was nothing he could do about it, his time as leader was going to end as soon as my brother found a suitable wife and there was no way Vincent would stop me from removing these parasites from the world. "She wasn't very smart, that's not my fault" because what kind of woman takes a drink from a stranger in this day and age? Someone missing brain cells, that's who. 

She made it all too easy for me to bring her here and inject just the right amount of industrial strength bleach into her body to kill her. Of course it must've been painful, I could tell that much just from her screams but she should've known there was going to be consequences for sleeping with my man. "Viv, you have that creepy look on your face again" Vincent chuckled as I scowled at him "What look? It's just my face" I asked as he snorted "exactly you creep" "fuck you asshole" I said playfully "both of you get out, and Vivian, get rid of the poor woman's body" he ordered finally turning back to his computer. "Yes father" he said in sync knowing how much it creeped him out when we did things like that. 

"So Viv, did you want help with that poor lady's body?" Vincent offered as we filed out of the office "sure, by the river?" I asked as he nodded and so off we were to dispose of another body.

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