Chapter 3: Vivian

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Magnus Knight, the one person I'm constantly undressing in my head.

Like right now for example, even as he walked in front of me I was imagining him with less and less clothing with each step and man was it a great image. Unfortunately he wasn't actually giving me the strip show of my dreams and I was quickly brought back to reality as he cleared his throat and leveled me with a knowing look "if you're done eye-fucking me I'd like to show you your room" he said gesturing towards a door that looked no different to the others that littered the hallway. 

"I wasn't done but I'll continue another time" I sighed jokingly as though it pained me to stop before straightening my back with an easy grin. "As much as I'd love for you to continue whatever it is that goes on in the sick little head of yours I have other things to do today" Magnus chuckled, poking me in the forehead a little harshly but I'd take all the physical contact I could get from him even if it wasn't much. 

"Are you gonna show me the room or what?" I asked, moving to step into the room before him. What I walked into was an almost perfect replica of my old bedroom with the only things missing being the very objects that he must've known would be in my luggage. "And you're going to sleep in here with me right?" I asked hopeful but those hopes were quickly crushed as he shook his head "after the wedding you'll be moved into our bedroom but for now you stay here alone, being seen through nobody's eyes but my own" and with that, he closed the door locking it before I could move more than a step towards the door. 

And it didn't budge even as I pounded on it for what felt like an hour "Magnus! Open this fucking door right now!" I yelled, panic starting to creep in as I was still met with silence. Eventually, what felt like an eternity passed as a speaker I hadn't even noticed in the ceiling started to crackle as Magnus' voice reached my ears giving me just the slightest bit of relief knowing he wasn't completely ignoring me. 

"Calm down Vivian, this is only temporary" he said in what might've been a soothing tone if not for the speaker causing a crackling sound in between his words. "You'll only be in here until the wedding, after that, the two of us will continue on equal ground" he explained as I huffed, throwing myself onto the bed. "And why am I being locked up?" I said with a pout I knew would push his buttons "because Viv, I can't have others laying their vile eyes on whats mine" he said as though it should've been completely obvious and somehow, my sick and twisted heart couldn't help but swoon as though he had just declared his undying love to me. 

"And what about you? I'm just supposed to sit back while you go out in the world without me?" I asked him, clearly not to enjoy the situation as much as I could've but he merely laughed at me as though I were entertaining him somehow with my questions. "There's nothing to worry about Vivian, because there is no being on earth that has my soul in as tight a grip as you do" he soothed as I fought back the heat that flooded my body at his words. 

"So that's it? I'm stuck here until our wedding? What about the wedding planning?" I asked because I would be damned if I didn't at least get to pick out my own dress after so many years stuck under my fathers thumb. "The wedding planner will be joining you in your room tomorrow" he said as if it were as simple as that, and for him? It probably was. "And my dress?" I asked hoping I would get an easy answer and thankfully, I did. "An associate from the bridal shop will be bringing a few dresses to start with once you've finished with the wedding planner" he explained with what I could only assume was a natural ease despite his voice not sounding as clear as I would've liked over the terribly outdated speaker.

"I will be watching your every move, from the moment you open your eyes in the morning" he said as though I should've been scared but honestly, it was no different from before today only this time, the watching would only be one-way something I definitely had to fix. "And will I be seeing you at all before the wedding?" I asked hopefully, because I wasn't really sure how long I could really go without seeing him at least once. 

And again, he crushed those hopes "Nope, sorry my love but I will not be visiting you in your comfy little confinement" okay, now I might have an issue worse than the love of my life locking me up for who knows how long. I can deal with confinement, I've dealt with it all my life in one way or another, but not seeing him? Not knowing what he was doing or who he was seeing at any given time? That was like cutting a hole in my lungs and asking me to continue breathing. 

And I tried to tell him as much but he had soon stopped talking to me, leaving me in a silence that had seemed so bad only an hour ago was nothing compared to the feeling of being ignored by the very reason my heart continues to beat safely in my chest despite having it all but ripped to shreds by everyone around me. But it was no use trying to talk to an empty room where only I would hear it. So, here I was, laying in a cold, empty bed with no chance of waking up the smell of his cologne on the other side of the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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