Chapter 71 - Lineage Legacy

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Elder Agatha gestured gracefully towards the central chair, a subtle acknowledgment of Serena's newfound role.

As Serena sank into the seat, a whirlwind of questions danced through her mind, but she chose to hold her tongue, allowing the weight of Elder Agatha's revelations to fill the room.

"With a solemn tone, Elder Agatha began, her voice resonating with the weight of centuries past. "To truly understand our story, we must start at the very beginning," she stated, her words carrying an air of significance. With that, she delved into the tale of their lineage, leading them on a journey through time.

"Our people's origins trace back to Veridia," she explained, her voice tinged with reverence for the land of their ancestors. "A place where our forebears were revered as masterful healers." Her eyes softened as she spoke, as if envisioning the ancient healers in their prime.

Continuing with pride, Elder Agatha declared, "They possessed not only profound knowledge but also a profound connection with the soul of nature itself. Their intentions were as pure as spring water, their hearts as kind as the gentlest breeze, and their healing abilities renowned throughout the lands. People from distant realms sought their aid, never leaving empty-handed."

"As Veridia flourished," Elder Agatha's voice softened, her expression reflecting a sense of awe for the history she was recounting, "it became a beacon of prosperity and compassion. Our ancestors welcomed all who sought refuge within its borders, harboring no prejudice, and sharing their gifts generously with those in need."

"What began as a humble kingdom," Elder Agatha's tone grew enthusiastic, "rooted in four ancient lineages," she paused, her hands expanding outward, as if illustrating the vastness of their kingdom, "blossomed into a vibrant realm, enriched by the diversity of its inhabitants."

Then Elder Agatha's gaze swept across all the elders before settling on Serena. , her expression conveying both solemnity and reverence. "Among the lineages I spoke of," she began, "each of us elders belongs to one—three in total—while the fourth lineage is yours. It is the most pivotal of all—the lineage of the leader and the royal bloodline of Veridia."

Elder Agatha continued her tale, delving deeper into the lineage of Veridia, each with its own unique role and purpose.

1. Verdant Essence Lineage
   - Role: The Verdant Essence Lineage is the esteemed Royal lineage, bestowed with the extraordinary ability to connect with nature on a profound level. Blessed with a unique bond to the natural world, members of this lineage possess magical powers infused by the essence of nature itself. With the innate ability to harness energy from the earth, air, and flora, they can cure any illness. The Verdant Essence Lineage carries within them the soul of nature, guiding their every action with wisdom and compassion.

2. Guardian Aegis Lineage
   - Role: Intrinsically bound to the Royal lineage, the Guardian Aegis Lineage is born with the sacred duty of supporting and assisting the leader lineage. With an innate connection to the Royal lineage, members of this lineage play a pivotal role in enabling their leaders to unlock and wield their powers for the first time. Their entire existence revolves around serving and safeguarding the Royal lineage, ensuring its prosperity and protection for generations to come.

3. Herbal Harmony Lineage
   - Role: The Herbal Harmony Lineage excels in the art of herbalism and botanical expertise. While they may not wield the magical abilities of the Royal lineage, their connection to nature runs deep, evident in their acute senses and profound understanding of plant life. Members of this lineage possess an extraordinary sense of smell and taste, surpassing that of other lineages except for the Royal lineage. With their heightened senses, they can discern the properties and qualities of various herbs with exceptional precision. Drawing upon their botanical knowledge, they craft potent medicines and remedies to heal ailments and promote well-being.

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