Chapter Two

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Davids POV


"Let go of me!" I shouted as the charcoal colored dragon flew away with me stuck in his sharp and bloody talons.

I looked down at the ground and felt sick. We were so high up. My eyes started to water, I didn't want to die, I was so sick and dizzy from the altitude.

"Shut up." The dragon hissed.

"You... Can talk?" 

"You really don't know who I am David?"

I froze at the mention of my name, how did this dragon know my name? I keep it a secret from most, Jackson and Pam don't even know my last name because I don't want them knowing that I'm apart of the... Oh my god.

"Dad?" I weakly spoke.

"Finally you remember me." His laugh caused my ears to start ringing from fear.

"Why are you doing this. You disowned me and killed my mom. Are you going to kill me next?"

"No. I won't kill you, but I know what you are. I know that your little boytoy will come after you." 

"Don't kill him just because I can't stay pure. You disowned me for a reason, why come back?"

"Because I learned about your relationships. I'm still your biological father David. I can still control your life."

"Actually I don't think that's how it works when it comes to disownment." I said, the fear leaving my voice. I left him once I can do it again.

"Don't speak to me like that young man. I will rip your throat out without hesitation." 

"I really don't understand how you're my father. We are nothing alike." I spat, him refusing to answer me until we reached his destination.

We soon arived at a cave and my dad threw me inside, my back hitting a sharp rock, knocking me out.

The Land Of Wormwood | Jackson's Diary जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें