Chapter Three

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Pov: Jackson


"Ugh...  I'm so tired." Exer whined.

"You didn't have to come with me you know." I snapped.

"Yeah well I didn't want a talking too from my dad."

"How the fuck are you a king..." I sighed.

"No clue I'll be honest."

"At least you realize that you aren't fit for the job."

"Guy's stop fighting." Pam said calmly, rolling her way up to us. "All we have to focus on is saving David from that dragon before he gets hurt... or worse."

"I'm sorry Pam." I apologized, kissing her forehead.

"It's alright my dear."

"Why is she on this venture." Exer sighed. "Wouldn't the lady just slow us down."

"One. Don't ever call me a lady again." Pam snapped. "Two. I am more help then you could even dream of being."

"Alright alright jeez."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, soon making our way to a cave. I peaked my head in to see if this was the right cave, I saw a bruised passed out David on the ground and my heart dropped. 

"Are you okay?" Pam asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's David..."

I shook my head, I needed to be strong for this. I pulled my sword out of my bag and held it in a defensive stance. I heard a voice I didn't recognize come from the cave, I looked inside and found a redheaded male walking over to David, as I looked I saw his hand turn into a dragon claw and it raised above David's passed out body.

"Stop." I yelled, glaring.

"Oh look! The little boytoy did come save his boyfriend! How sweet." The redheaded man came over to me with his hand held out for a handshake. I refused to take it. "Aw well, fair enough. The name's William. William Godfeather. Although I assume you all know that name. Especially you Jackson Smith." He hissed at me, smiling like a maniac.

My heart dropped and I froze up in shock. "You're..." I paused. "You're the one killed my parents."

"The one and only." He bowed. "Yet you're dating my son. Crazy how that works isn't it?"

"No. Thats... That's not possible. He's nothing like you."

"People say that a lot. He's never told you his last name for a reason though, he knew you would hate him if he told you."

"I wouldn't though. Just because he's the son of a murderer doesn't mean he's a murderer himself." 

"Eh. He'd kill in a heartbeat." William shrugged. "Runs in a shapeshifters genes." He grinned.

"Shut up." I snapped.

I held my sword up to his neck. My eyes filled with hatred.

"If you so even dare to say another word I will kill you as punishment for your sins." 

"Oh come on..." He whined. "I haven't even gotten to see his dad yet again!" He pointed to Exer.

"What?" Exer stared wide-eyed at William, I noticed that his hands started to shake.

"Aw man you don't remember me either?" William frowned. "Bummer."

"I said to shut up!" I yelled as I dug my sword into his throat, far enough to see bone.

"Ow!" William smiled. "That really hurt." 

"What..." I said as his wound started to heal almost immediately.

"Oh you can't kill me with metal. Only with magic, which two of you guys have."

"Two?" I asked.

"Exer and Pamela, I can sense it." He smiled as his throat sealed up.

"No that's impossible. I don't. I'm not a witch! Neither is Pamela that's insanity, I'm a king I can't be a witch!" He panicked.

I saw David weakly get up from the back of the cave and slowly transform into a adolescent white and gold dragon one that looked like a royals pet, it was quite the scene and sickening to look at. He slowly walked up to his father and pounced onto him. 

"You will not hurt them." David growled as smoke came out of his nostrils.

"Dragons can speak?!" Exer stared in shock.

David ignored Exer for the time being and clawed his fathers stomach, causing William to scream in agony. William quickly turned into his dragon from, which was way bigger and more muscular than David's form and fought back, throwing David against a wall.

"You will not treat your father this way."

"Why not?" David spat, his voice growling with hatred. "All you've done for your entire life is cause pain and suffering. First with my own mom, then with myself and then you have the audacity to kill other people who aren't even apart of your life for the sick and twisted fun of it. You made a mistake when you took me and told me it was you. I won't feel any regret killing a monster like you." David threw William off of him.

David jumped onto the back of William tearing out a huge chunk of flesh and scales with his teeth. I looked over to Exer, him frozen in fear. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I moved him to the side of the cave so that way he wouldn't see the fight.

"Stay here Exer." 

"No. Both of you stay." Pam told me. "David needs help and if Exer does have magic he clearly doesn't know how to use it. I do."

"I can't let you get hurt." 

"I promise you that I won't be." She rolled her way into the cave and I immediately heard a gurgled roar emit from Williams throat. 

"Oh hey Pamela!" I heard David shout before I saw a limp and bloody William get thrown out of the cave and off of the cliff.

David and Pamela came out, David with tattered clothes and multiple wounds and bruises. I ran over to him and he fell into my arms.

"Oh my god my sun... Are you alright." I asked, worry filling my voice.

"I'm fine my moon." David smiled weakly at me. "Now that he's dead at least." He coughed up blood.

"We need to get you to the hospital."

"Noooo I'll... I'll be fine. Pinkie promise." He said almost falling over.

"Uhm. I don't think you will be dear, come on."

Exer walked over towards us and stared David up and down and then looked at me. "You're dating a witch and a shapeshifter?!" 

"Yeah. Obviously, if it's love why the hell should I care about something they can't control. Not everyone that's different is evil Exer. You should learn that sometime." I groaned. "It's disgusting how that's the only thing you care about right now and not 'Oh my goodness!!! You saved the world David and Pam!!! I am forever grateful to you for saving the lands! Are the both of you okay?!' But no. You're selfish and hateful. Yet you still wonder why people talk about you behind your back." I snapped at Exer, him staring at me wide-eyed.


"Is that all you can manage to say? First you leave me for dead and when you realize I'm not you try to be all buddy buddy and friendly but I can tell you have ulterior motives. You want my own partners executed. You want the girl who revived me to die just because she's different. You still had the audacity to question why we aren't together still and this is why. You have no empathy to those who aren't human." I sighed. "I wish you could change. I really do. Enough talking though, David needs medical attention."

"I can take us to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible." Pamela chimed in. "Everyone hold on to me."

"I'm not holding onto a witch!"

"Exer you are a witch get that through your thick skull." Pamela snapped and roughly grabbed his hand, causing him to yelp.

A puff of green smoke appeared and soon dissipated, when the smoke cleared we were back in the village near the hospital. I walked in with David to get the medical attention he desperately needed.

The Land Of Wormwood | Jackson's Diary Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora