Sleep of Sadness

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After kali went home, you laid on the sofa quietly sobbing all curled up in a ball like a sleeping fox. Hercules too was depressed but he didn't cry, he looked outside the window, and silently watched kali live her life like a normal koala. But he was happy that she was living in her natural habitat without getting exposed during her stay. "Hercules, you made a good decision to kali go home." Aviva said wile sniffling with saddness. "I know, Let's just hope she'll never get caught by Zach like he captured- the humans- oh dear." Said hercules while he examined aviva's expression. "I know but, Zach changed his mind over animals, and now- the humans and my friends- I miss them." Aviva's eyes had tears in them. "I will save your friends aviva, I promise with all my heart." Hercules rubbed aviva's back and holded her as she sobbed quitely.

You were still laying on the couch, your eyes were red and you had a headache from the crying you felt like you wanted a nap, so you drifted to sleep you shoved your head under a pillow as you heard aviva silently cry

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You were still laying on the couch, your eyes were red and you had a headache from the crying you felt like you wanted a nap, so you drifted to sleep you shoved your head under a pillow as you heard aviva silently cry.

Zach's POV

the ZachBots were dreadfully watching zach on stage as he showed them the idea of capturing humans, the ZachBots hated that idea, some were shockingly scared by the idea; some were furious and some hated Zach's idea, But they kept their emotions to themselves. "Alright Listen Up! No Interruptions! I Zach, has invented the new Giant Spider ZachBot! Whoever tries escape this incredible monster gets a scream in the face Or! If they escape a second time, they get thrown into the spider's mega jail. my prisoners will be trapped forever inside my prison! and No escaping!" The ZachBots hated that idea, capturing cows for meat is okay, but they thanked that the idea of holding humans captive was not amusing at all, they also thanked that it was a felony to capture humans and turn them into slaves. "Now ZachBots! Capture those humans! And finish that mega ZachBot spider Now! We don't have all day!" The ZachBots hated human-trafficking but they did what they were told. Zach rang his phone and called his two buddies on screen, Donita and gourmand. The three of them blabbered for the evil plan that they were going to plan on doing to these poor humans, they thought of some dark plans to destroy the human habitat, so they can plan on having the world to themselves. 5 minutes later, Zach knew his jet's left wing was mended, and was ready to leave Australia. "Now then, Now that the wing is fixed now, it's time to fly to my favorite place! Varmitech Industies!" Zach did an evil laugh as he cranked his jet, and so the jet left Australia.

Your POV;

You were still sleeping in the couch for 5 hours straight, the jet took off and slowly darted into the sky, you didn't care though you slept peacefully as the jet made some aircraft sounds, hercules tucked you in with you're favorite blanket. The moving jet tilted the room causing aviva to tumble. "Now now aviva, it's time to put ourselves back together, we still have time. Zach has a business called 'Varmitech Industries', that could be where he keeps his victims, but we need to think of a way to stop him from destroying humanity."
Explained hercules. "But how do we stop him?" Asked aviva. "Well- first we need to think of some booby traps to slow down Zach and the other Bots, then we free the humans, and the last stage is defeating Zach." "Good plans hercules, but to mark those things down were's the map of the entire building?" Aviva asked. "I got two maps, one for the jet, and one for the building, we're going to cancel the jet's map." "But why aren't we doing setting the traps inside the jet?" Questioned aviva. "because the building Varmitech Industries is Zach's only location where he traps his victims." we should set the traps together in the building as a team once we get there, but as long if that Pesky Zach is away." Explained hercules.

The Dadbot showed aviva the map, some places were marked down as spots to set up the traps

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The Dadbot showed aviva the map, some places were marked down as spots to set up the traps. "Perfect!" Said aviva. "Now we should think of some plans to stop Zach and rescue the humans from captivity." "Not when you're alone, I almost forgot to give you this, I've upgraded (Y/N)'s mini chip into a walkie-talkie, but not just any walkie, it's a watch; for when you get lost, I can also guide you on there and track you if you get into any trouble. I made about six of them." Hercules opened his safe-zone to reveal his new watches for aviva and (Y/N) "Cool, hercules I didn't know you were an engineer just like me!" "Well I came up with this idea myself. here, put on one watch give another one to (Y/N) and take out the rest for later, just in case if Zach exposes me." Aviva put on one watch, placed one on the table next to the couch you were sleeping on, and put the rest of the watches in her sweater pockets.

You woke up from you're long nap; you shaked your head from exhaust you streched your arms high and made a huge silent yawn. Hercules hovered to the couch to check on you. "Good evening (Y/N)." Hercules said as he gave you a gental wake up hug. "So child, how did you sleep?" You told him it was a great sleep, and you cried causing a headache that made you take a nap, hercules rubbed you're back as he comforted you. "(Y/N) if you had a headache you could've told me, but I'm glad you're okay now. Alright, how about some sleep? When it's 7:30 in the morning, I'll wake you up. We are going to have a big day tomorrow, because it's time to kick Zach!" Explained hercules. "Hey dadbot? Can you sing me and aviva another lullaby?" You asked hercules. "Of course I can (Y/N), I always do those at night. in-fact, I can sing them to myself too. Now this is a song about being brave."
In so hercules started to sing.

The youth
who lost (her/his) friend,
(She/he) was very stubborn.
How can (she/he) fight, how can (she/he) roam, and save (her/his) friend?..

The youth who lost (her/his) friend,
Was very mad, (she /he) packed (her/his) things and walked on the trail, far far away.
Nothing could get in (her/his) way,
because all (she/he) had was strength,
(She/he) could fight off mobs even if (she/he) felt down,
There was no way (she/he) could give up, because (she/he) had the power to defeat..

The youth,
Who lost (her/his) friend,
Found (her/his) friend,
Trapped in a cage,
(She/he) didn't have a key, nor could break the bars,
But she put (her/his) hands on (her/his) heart,
And prayed to the holy father.

The youth, who lost (her/his) friend,
Received a golden key,
From the holy father,
And now (her/his) friend was free,
They took the trail home,
And went back home to play,
And more of (her/his) friends called (her/him) a hero.

The Brave Youth, who rescued (her/his)- Friend...

As hercules finished singing, he tucked (Y/N) and aviva in bed and kissed them goodnight. "Goodnight my true explorers, tomorrow is going to be a big day." Hercules set his timer at 7:30 for tomorrow and softly sang himself to sleep.

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