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Epilogue One
"Specialist Park!" shouted the male voice. Ordinarily Chaeyoung would have snapped to attention but she knew the voice. It was just mail call. Still, it did surprise her. The only person Chaeyoung got mail from was her grandmother and a fresh batch of cookies had just arrived a week earlier.

Chaeyoung stood up wearily from her table. She'd been trying to enjoy a meal after a long day. She was now two months into her deployment and some of her familiar fatigue, boredom and stress had again crept back inside her. Unsurprisingly, things had fallen apart a little without her and Chaeyoung was spearheading a yeoman effort to clear a backlog of busted Humvees, leaving her drained to the point of exhaustion. She was desperate to get back to her bunk to enjoy a few hours of downtime. She looked up and smiled at the young private delivering the mail and signed for it.

"More cookies, I guess," the private said as he handed her the small, brown box.

Chaeyoung gave a pitying laugh at the predictability of her mail before instantly recognizing that this was not the same old package she tended to receive every few months. The return address was not her grandmother.

It was, in fact, from Lisa Manobal. Care of Manobal's Pub.

Chaeyoung had, much like Lisa had predicted, not been able to forget Lisa or their night together for a single day of her deployment. While there were moments where she was alone and thought back fondly of it, the truth was that thinking of Lisa and the things she could have been doing with her had made her time on the base even harder. The only thing keeping Chaeyoung going on some days was the promise of that second night.
Chaeyoung stood up and quickly rushed from the mess. Chaeyoung had been quartered with a mechanic in another unit and she knew that her roommate was working a different shift than she was. That meant Lisa's package could be opened in private. Chaeyoung completed the trip from the mess to her barracks in record time, her heart pounding with anticipation. Arriving at her quarters, Chaeyoung rushed to her room, locking the door behind her for good measure. She didn't know what she was expecting in her package but there was a strong desire on her part to see it privately. Chaeyoung reached for her pocketknife and was soon tearing the brown paper wrapping open, doing the same to the packing tape.
Chaeyoung laughed when she got it open. Inside was a small metal tin. Reaching in, Chaeyoung carefully removed the top to reveal stacks of small chocolate chip cookies. Chaeyoung laughed at her luck. She lifted the cookie tin out and set it on her desk.
As she did, she saw that there was something else in her package. A large manila envelope was packed tightly beneath the cookies. Chaeyoung reached inside for it and could feel it was fairly thick. She undid the small red tie at the back of the envelope and reached inside.
They were pictures. High quality, glossy, eight by elevens. The first was of Lisa. She was standing against what Chaeyoung recognized as the wall in her apartment where they'd first kissed. The only thing Lisa appeared to be wearing was the olive green regulation t-shirt that Chaeyoung had left behind. Lisa's hands were at the bottom of the shirt, tugging it down, stretching the material over her hips and covering herself.
On Chaeyoung the shirt had been tight. On Lisa, stretching over her glorious chest and being pulled down, the shirt was like a second skin. Chaeyoung could clearly make out the outlines of the puffy nipples she'd so enjoyed having in her mouth. Her  reddish-brown hair was slightly messy and she had no make-up on. She looked, Chaeyoung thought, very much like she had the morning after their night together.
The other photos were similar. They were all risqué and revealing but not obscene or sleazy. The next was a side shot of Lisa in her kitchen. This time she was in high heels, perfectly made up and with her hair done. There was a string of pearls around her neck. She was making what looked like the cookies she'd sent. The only thing she appeared to be wearing was a thin, white apron and there were patches of white flour on her ample cleavage. There was another with a yellow ribbon and bow around her chest, the material just wide enough to cover Lisa's nipples, and only Lisa's own hands strategically placed between her legs. There were others. One of Lisa as a French maid, caught in an expression of surprise. Lisa in what looked like bridal lingerie and a veil. Each photo had a message written on the back in red lipstick. There was "34C-24-37", "Keeping the home fires burning", "Untie my Yellow Ribbon" and various other sexually suggestive notes. The very last simply read, "Your very own pin-up girl."

A Proper Send Off (Chaelisa) Where stories live. Discover now