chapter 1 fragments of a different past

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Beacon quite literally after the end of volume 2

Team RWBY were heading back to their dorms after fighting the white Fang and dealing with the breach in the middle of Vale

Ruby "I cannot wait for the Vytal festival!" She said as she and her team walked towards their dorm

Weiss "yes and after the long week we had I think it will be good to test our skills without people trying to kill us" she said

Yang "yeah the whole thing with the train was a pain"

Blake just remained silent on the subject as they entered their dorm

Weiss "I can't wait to fall asleep" she said as she went to go change into her nightwear

Ruby "you got that right" she said as she went to go do the same

Blake "you all do that I'm going to read for a little bit" she says but before she can grab a book Yang grabs her

Yang "oh no you don't you're going to sleep like the rest of us" she said pulling Blake towards her bed

Blake "really?"

Yang "yes you can read your dirty books later"

Blake blushed "no! They are works of literature it's not dirty" she protested

Yang "sure they are" she said sarcastically rolling her eyes "now come on go have a cat nap" she said winking at her

Weiss "seriously Yang?"

Yang "yep!" She said before getting onto her bed

Ruby "good night everyone" She said before turning the lights off

Yang "good night Ruby"

Soon not long after they all were falling fast asleep

But then Ruby began stirring in her sleep

She was having a dream....or a nightmare perhaps?

Ruby's dream

She was on the ocean and she was on a ship of sorts

But she for some reason felt as though she was more then just on the ship she felt something special about her and the ship

She looked at the Sea and saw some other ships that looked similar to the one she was on

But before she could think of something she heard someone yell something

"Enemy Destroyers sir! Their opening fire!"

Soon the water splashes with the whizzing of artillery shells

Ruby tried to say something but nothing came out of her mouth


A shell hot the ship on the bow

Ruby felt a chest pain

The Cannon's kept firing and the ship tipped and turned

"Incoming torpedoe! It's coming towards the stern  at 18 knots sir!"

"Evade! Hard to starboard!"

Put something hot the stern causing the back of the ship to explode

"Sir incoming torpedoe to the bow!"

"Brace for impact!"

The bow gets hit again this time the bow cracked and Began to fall off as well as the Stern

The ship that was doing all this damage began to sail away

"Bloody hell! Damage report!"

"Sir the bow and Stern are heavily damaged!"

"And the German destroyer?"

"It's breaking away sir it appears to have called off the assault"

"Radio the other ships tell them we are heavily damaged and that we require assistance"

"Right away sir"

Ruby didn't know where the voices were coming from seeing as she was the only one and she didn't see anyone else

"Sir ar you sure we'll manage to get back to port?"

"I hope so otherwise this is the end of Jav-"

And with that Ruby woke up to the sound of an alarm

Ruby was a bit shaken from the dream but not by much after all it was just a dream... right?

The rest of her Team Began to get out of bed so she soon followed suit

Ruby "good morning team RWBY!" She said as enthusiastically as usual

completely putting her weird dream aside for now

Yang "morning rubes"

Weiss "good morning"

Blake "good Morning" she said more focused on her book

Yang "Blake how long have you been awake?"

Bale "lone enough"

Weiss "what do you meanong Enough? Your supposed to get the proper amount of sleep!"

Blake " I wasn't tired"

Weiss "that doesn't matter!"

Ruby watches as her teammates talk and bicker

This felt nostalgic for some reason that Ruby couldn't quite put her finger on it

Ruby got dressed for the day

Ruby "so what's going on today?"

Weiss "well the amity Arena should arrive soon for the tournament" she said

Yang "awesome! Let's go!"

Ruby "yeah!"

They all began to walk outside

Soon they all made it out just in time to see amity Arena fly in

Ruby "Woah" she said as it came in with an atlas fleet in tow

Weiss "oh I can't wait soon it will all be set up!"

Blake "it will take awhile to set up so no classes will be going on"

Yang "is there anything you guys want to do before the festival and classes start up again?"

Weiss "well I'll go back to studying"

Blake "I'll probably do that and reading"

There was some silence for a bit

Ruby "hey Yang?"

Yang "yeah Ruby?"

Ruby "can we go home? I wanna visit mom"

Yang was silent for a bit before doing a bittersweet smile "sure Ruby we can go" she said wrapping an arm around her younger sister making her smile bittersweet a little

Time skip hours later at Patch

Ruby was standing over her mothers headstone

"Hey mom I'm sorry I haven't visited in awhile I've been busy and all you know, stopping criminals and all that" she chuckle a little "Yang is still being mostly the same but Weiss has been less mean and has been great at helping me lead the team and Blake has been... Less Blakey lately which is great because she probably won't get in trouble again" she paused for a moment "and I've been having these weird dream like things lately but it's weird because they don't feel like dreams they feel more like-" suddenly she heard a honking noise

"Oh that must be Yang sorry but I have to go now bye mom" she said as she walked away from th headstone

(I don't know if I paced this chapter well but hey trial by fire is how I always do it, it seems)

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