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Walking into the studio, Julianna noticed the boys weren't in there as she walked in

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Walking into the studio, Julianna noticed the boys weren't in there as she walked in. Walking up to the piano, Julianna sits on the bench. She notices her and Julie's notebook were sitting on top. Opening it up she lands on one of her favorite songs she's written. Looking around she takes a breath before playing the melody on the piano keys and starts to sing.

"I still remember that kid,|
Afraid to open the door
And now she's grown and
She doesn't keep that fear anymore

It was kept in a box in the loft,
And she held the key
But now the box is locked and
The key is nowhere to be seen

But what if I could go back in time
And change the way I felt about my life?
Oh, but then would I still have inside
Everything that's brought me back to life?

I still remember that kid wanting to be more
But now she knows that she's worth more
Than what she's been told
She tried her best to be best
And just forget the rest
But the rest is the best
And it's what you get, so just let go

But what if I could go back in time
And change the way I felt about my life?
Oh, but then would I still have inside
Everything that's brought me back to life?
I still remember that kid afraid of losing it all
And now she knows that it's the fire inside her bones


But what if I could go back in time
And change the way I felt about my life?
Oh, but then would I still have inside
Everything that's brought me to life?"

As the song ends Julianna takes a breath, she hadn't sung for a while, since Julie's birthday, and that was the last song she'd written as well. "Anna, that was amazing," A voice spoke scaring her, she turned around and noticed the three guys around her. 

"Shit, you guys scared me," She spoke, putting a hand on her chest, "How long have you guys been standing there?" She then asked, suddenly embarrassed by the thought of them watching her sing. She's never sung in front of the guys before, she only ever sung in front of people for her job when she was alive and then with Julie when they wrote songs together.

"Um long enough to know that your voice is amazing," Reggie spoke, smiling at the girl while jumping up a little. He looked like a kid that just walked into a candy store, Julianna thought which made her smile a little bit. She smiled at the compliment a little and blushed a little, "Thank you," She said. "Julianna, when did you start singing?" Alex questioned, moving to sit next to the girl. "Oh um it was after you guys died, I started writing some songs and I sang at this restaurant for some money when I got kicked out, but I don't really sing anymore or write," She explained to the boy.

(EDITING) Photograph || Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now