Flying Solo

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Hearing that they were gonna sing the song for Flynn in thirty minutes was nerve-racking for Julianna

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Hearing that they were gonna sing the song for Flynn in thirty minutes was nerve-racking for Julianna. But she was happy that Julie had decided to be honest to Flynn about the boys and even told her about Julianna too. 

Of course, Flynn hadn't believed her so now they gonna sing the song and show her and also hope that when they do Flynn can see Julianna too. Right now they were currently finishing up some final changes before they perform.

After a couple more minutes they finish, "Okay guys, I'm gonna go get Flynn so just get ready," Julie says to them before walking out. Julianna had been by the keyboard, trying to calm her breaths, yeah she wasn't singing in front of a crowd but she also hadn't performed for anyone besides Julie in years, and she didn't even know if anyone would be able to see her. She was freaking out. 

And Reggie noticed that. "Hey, don't worry Ann, you'll do great," He reassures the girl. The girl smiled at the new nickname and the boy's words. "Thank you, Reg," She says to the boy. They both sat in silence smiling at eachother, forgetting about the two other ghosts in the room. Luke and Alex stared at the ghosts before giving eachother a look and smiling.

Julie soon entered back into the studio breaking Julianna's and Reggies moment, the two split getting situated, "All right, guys. You ready?" Julie asked the ghost, they all nodded and gave the girl a sign that they were. Until Reggie spoke, "Can you actually get Flynn to move a little, I need space to rock out," He waved his arms around the little space he has. 

Julie nodded, "Uh, can you go over there? Reggie needs some space to rock out," She spoke, "And he feels kinda weird walking through you," She explained more about the situation. Flynn let out a laugh, "Boy when you create a world you really live in it," She says.

Julie lets out a breath before directing the girl to sit, "Just, sit," She says to her friends. Flynn lets out a noise, not expecting a serious tone from the girl. "If you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram," She spoke, as she moved her arms around her, "Feel free to look around," She finished. Before going to the keyboard and sitting next to Julianna, smiling at the ghost. The ghost smiled back at the girl, "We got this," She whispered to her, Julie nodded in appreciation.

Julie then lets out a breath, "The guys took a poem that I wrote about you and put it to music," She explained to the girl. Flynn let out a sigh placing a hand over her heart, "Awe. I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this," She says sarcastically. Julie smiles a little, "It's called 'Flying Solo'" She finishes then soon turns her attention to the keyboard and starts the song.

"If I leave you on a bad note
Leave you on a sad note
Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day
I know all your secrets
You know all my deep-dish
Guess that means some things they never, they never

We both know what I, what I, what I
When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me

Soon the ghost had appeared, joining in on the music. Flynn had jumped at their sudden appearance. She first saw the one on the red guitar, then the one with the orange beanie, and the one on the drums, when suddenly she moved to look at the girl next to Julie. Julie soon got up to walk around the room as Julianna stayed on the keyboard playing the song.

(EDITING) Photograph || Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now