4: Strawberry Lemonade

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By the time you hit your apartment, you're practically asleep already. The night shift definitely  isn't for the weak. You crash onto your bed, ignoring your ringing phone and drifting off.

You wake up after about 4 hours, at 9:00 am. The sun has fully risen now, casting a satisfying white glow into your lightless apartment.

You pad over to the kitchen, still in uniform from the night before.

You swing open the cabinet and frown at the two cups of ramen and half a salt packet you have. Clearly, you were very thorough with your moving in.

"Guess we have to go somewhere." You say to yourself, changing out of your bright polo and opting for something more your style. You toss the essentials into a small bag you find next to the door and head out.

You find a small diner down the road from the building.

And guess who's sitting at the counter.

Francis Mosses has his back turned, but you can see the distinctive shape of his Milkman hat. The only open seat is right next to him, so you sigh and walk over. He glances up from the menu when you sit down.

"Mmm. No shift today?"

"Nope. Just Wednesdays and weekends." You pause. "And when the Wednesday night shift doesn't make it to Thursday, I guess."

He nods thoughtfully, his head still angled down at the menu. You can't help but stare, but catch yourself and turn back.

"I've never been here before. Any recommendations?"

You scan the menu. "The strawberry lemonade is really good. The smoothies, too."

"Noted." He says before he waves down a server. 

The waiter's hair is in a loose bun and his uniform is wrinkled. "Are you ready for drinks?"

"Yeah. I'll do a blueberry smoothie..." He looks over at you. "And a strawberry lemonade."

The man scribbles the order down and scurries into the kitchen area.

"Thanks." You grin and look down at your thumbs. "You didn't get milk?"

"Mmm, no. Ironic, isn't it? It gets old pretty quick."

"Yeah, I guess so."

The server comes back out with your order promptly. "Breakfast?"

"I'm alright." Francis looks over at you.

"I'll do the stack of 5 pancakes." You say proudly. The waiter does the same thing as before, writing down the order and scurrying off.

You sit there for a second before looking over at Francis, who is staring back at you.


"Nothing!" He says. "Just... are you sure you're gonna be able to finish those?"

You frown.

You did, in fact, finish all of those pancakes in one sitting out of spite. You didn't account for the consequences though. You stumbled out of the diner holding your stomach, propped on Francis's shoulder. That would be really romantic given literally any other circumstances.

You're still proud of yourself for proving him wrong. Thankfully, the apartment building is only two buildings down and you're there almost  immediately. You and Francis push through the crowd of tenants outside. You can't help but notice Roxy in her office, staring at you blankly. You take the elevator up to your floor and he drops you in your room in mostly one piece, save the dignity you left in the diner.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asks before he leaves.


"You have my number. Call me if you're... not."

TYSM FOR ALL THE LOVE you guys are amazinggg

also pardon my subconscious fnaf references only the first one was on purpose 😭

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