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Nestled amongst a flourishing forest a campfire crackled with intensity under the stars. Over it was freshly cooked mackerel; the smoke from the flames carried its mouthwatering scent into the air as Zephyr gave a sigh of relief. Finally his meal was ready.

"It's been so long since I had a proper meal." He said as he went into deep thought.

'I wonder how they're doing back home, everything should be alright shouldn't it?'

He realized the amount of pain Naomi and Nikko would be going through. Wondering where he could have gone, whether he was alive or not. But he found himself asking the same questions. Who is the say that they aren't dead? The planet was put through hell when he encountered death, and many certainly lost their lives. Those closest to him certainly could be part of the casualties. Then there are all the other threats that the Earth faces.

His heart raced as all these thoughts rushed his mind. Deep breaths were taken as his emotions got the better of him; an intense fury emerged from deep within. He was angry, really angry; at himself, at the world and at Diablo.

"No, everything will be fine. There's still time." He said, reassuring himself.

Putting out the campfire, he grabbed the fish and started devouring it. Close by was an unconscious man. He had white skin and, scruffy, brown hair. His pupils were sparkling brown with a lime green outer ring, making them some of the most unique pair we've seen.

After finishing his meal Zephyr went to him and shook him awake. Startled, the man jumps back at the sight of someone else.

I however ignore his antics and crouch. Looking him straight in the eyes I ask a simple question.

"Why did you kill those men?"

Behind this straightforward sentence was a hidden agenda. Depending on the answer this man gives, Zephyr will decide to end his existence or not. The young man knew this far too well, he too was an experienced killer, but the monster before him seemed almost heartless.

"You're wasting my time." Zephyr emphasized, bloodlust activating for a brief moment to prove his point.

"Well then, allow me to introduce myself." The man said.

He stood up and rested on a tree, inhaling deeply he continued.

"I am Xavier Luther, the rightful heir to the Lord of Evertale." He spoke with utmost pride.

'I'm assuming that town is called Evertale, but if he is the heir to the throne what's the reason for killing those men?' I pondered.

"If you are the heir, then explain your actions." I stated.

He hesitated for a bit before looking up above.

"This town was once a great city, well on its way to becoming a kingdom of its own. However that didn't seem to please the heavens. Disaster after disaster struck the land. Floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, drought and disease swept the land constantly. The devastation brought about by this reduced our once flourishing Evertale to a mere settlement of refugees."

"That still doesn't explain anything." I said.

He seemed to twitch as I said that trying his best to hide his annoyance.

"Anyway, my father did not want this to be the end, so he pleaded with the heavens for mercy. For days on end he would starve himself while tending to the needs of the people, working hard to ensure there were enough resources for all. This would grant him favor as a mystical artifact fell from above. Through it he was able to reshape the very earth beneath our feet into his image, ensuring the prosperity of the people. In a span of a decade this town was built and he was anointed the title of Lord. Years later he had a son, bringing joy to the townsfolk; all except one. My uncle was next in line in the case of the Lords death, but he couldn't contain his jealousy. Throughout my life he always despised my very existence and for my downfall."

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