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Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter had always been on opposite sides of the war. Even after the war ended, their animosity remained. But as time passed, something began to change between them.

It started with a chance encounter in the corridors of Hogwarts. Draco had been alone, lost in his thoughts, when Harry had appeared out of nowhere. They had exchanged a few terse words, but there had been something in Harry's eyes that had made Draco pause. It was a look of understanding, of shared pain.

Against all odds, Draco and Harry began to spend more time together. They would meet in secret, away from prying eyes, and talk for hours about everything and nothing. They discovered that they had more in common than they had ever realized.

But their budding friendship was not to last. Rumors began to spread throughout Hogwarts about their meetings, and soon, the truth came out. Their friends and families were horrified, unable to comprehend how two people who had once been enemies could now be so close.

Draco and Harry tried to ignore the backlash, but it was impossible. The pressure became too much, and they began to drift apart. Harry tried to reach out, to salvage what they had, but Draco pushed him away, unable to bear the weight of the world's judgment.

In the end, they went their separate ways, their friendship shattered by forces beyond their control. Draco returned to the life he had always known, while Harry continued to fight for a world where people like Draco could be accepted.

Years passed, but the memory of their friendship lingered, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. And as they grew older, both Draco and Harry wondered if they would ever find the courage to try again, to bridge the gap that had once seemed insurmountable.

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