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The halls of Hogwarts were never silent, but tonight, a different kind of hush fell over the castle. Whispers of fear and suspicion floated through the air, mingling with the flickering candlelight as students and teachers alike gathered in the Great Hall.

Professor McGonagall stood at the front, her expression grave. "As many of you are aware, a terrible tragedy has occurred within these walls," she began, her voice steady. "Professor Snape has been found... murdered."

Gasps rippled through the crowd, and Harry Potter felt a chill run down his spine. Snape had been a controversial figure, but no one deserved such a fate.

Dumbledore stepped forward, his eyes twinkling despite the gravity of the situation. "We must remain calm and work together to solve this heinous crime," he said, his voice carrying authority.

As the students were dismissed to their houses, Harry found himself drawn to Draco Malfoy, who looked unusually somber. "Can you believe it?" Draco muttered, his eyes darting around the room. "Who could have done such a thing?"

Harry shook his head, equally puzzled. "I don't know, but we have to find out. Snape may have been... difficult, but he didn't deserve this."

Together, Harry and Draco began to investigate, questioning students and piecing together clues. They discovered a secret passageway that led to Snape's office and found a hidden compartment containing a vial of poison.

Their investigation led them to suspect a group of Slytherins who had been seen arguing with Snape earlier that week. Confronting them in the Slytherin common room, Harry and Draco uncovered a plot to frame Snape for a crime he didn't commit.

With the truth revealed, Hogwarts returned to its usual bustling self. Snape's murder remained a dark chapter in the school's history, but Harry and Draco had learned something valuable: sometimes, even the darkest shadows can be dispelled by the light of truth.

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