Part 5

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It was cloudy, the birds were chirruping. A few cats roamed the campus, a dog was lying in front of the Zoya's block.

"Morning," Zoya sat on her chair.

Sara replied, "Morning Zo. Today you look fresh and good!"
"Really?" It excites her, she looks at the phone's reflection.

"It is not sunny today."
"That's the reason. Had a great time on the bus. The wind was not hot after so long."

"True. I remember yesterday. It was indeed hard going back home. I was thankful first for getting the window seat, then I regretted it."
Zoya smiled.

"Good morning." That was Kiran.

"Today the classes are postponed," Zoya said.

Kiran stopped, "What?"
"Yes. A student died. So no class. Didn't you check the group?"
"Are you serious??? You could have phoned me!" Kiran raised her voice.

Ethen came inside, "What happened?"
Kiran spoke, "You don't know? Today there is no class."
Ethen looks at Zoya's smiling face.

"That's why the chairs are empty?" Kiran worried.

Ethen spoke, "Do you really trust her?"

Kiran looked at Zoya, her smiled turned to laugher. Sara followed.

"Oh god! This girl!" Kiran punched Zoya's head.

"Did you look at her face?" Zoya laughed louder.

"That would be enough. Take her away." Kiran told Ethen.

Now Nithya and Asha came.

Nithya smiled, "Everyone is here."
Zoya spoke, "Who all."
"Only us."
"Others will come."
"They won't." Zoya was serious.

"No classes today."
"What?" Asha and Nithya together.

Nithya asked, "Why?"
"A student died and classes are suspended."
Asha was silent.

"We can leave after some time."
"I came so far and such a waste!" Asha wined.

Ethen spoke, "Zo!"

Nithya asked, "By the way who is the student?"
Ethen repeated, "Zo."

"From Electronics department. I heard it's an accident."

"Oh no!"
Asha spoke, "Guys you could have phoned me! I wouldn't have boarded the bus!"

Few students enter the class. Asha notices them and then turns towards Zoya.

Zoya began to laugh.

"Are you serious??" Asha yelled.

"What?" Nithya confused.

Zoya, sara and Kiran laugh.

"Come on guys. Pranking in the morning itself!" Nithya slapped her forehead. "I believed it for real."

Asha stared at Zoya.

"What?" Zoya stopped her laugh, "For fun man. Be happy that your travel didn't go to waste."
"Yeah. I too thankful." Asha took her seat.

"Do you do like this always?" Ethen asked sitting on the stairs leading to 2nd floor.

"Not always. But I do."
"You are a prankster."
"Everyone enjoys it."
"You are having a good time at the college right?"
"Yes. I am loved."
"Take the best advantage of it and heal faster."
"Right." Zoya smiles, "Having classes today?"
"I won't get in the class."
"You will fail."

"I will pass."

"I will pray that you should fail."
"Your prayers never work. If they had worked then you would be healed by now."
Zoya paused.

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