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My body couldn't move. What was going on? Was I late for training? Was Rath punishing me somehow? I opened my eyes.

Oh, yes. Spiders.

I found myself in complete darkness. Or was my head still engulfed in thread? No, there was nothing that I could feel, and I could breathe. Somehow that was more ominous that waking up dead, so to speak. My body was tightly bound, hands strapped to my sides, and legs wrapped up too. I wasn't standing on anything either.

And... Yes. There was a noise nearby. Breathing!

Let's see what's going on, I thought, and conjured a low level illumination spell.

The scene revealed wasn't very pretty. I was one of six small, tightly wrapped bodies hanging by threads from the ceiling of a plain room, constructed of stone blocks. Exactly the sort of room I had imaged would be in a dungeon. I wasn't as thrilled to see this as I had hoped.

Next to me I could see Gisel, facing the other direction. The other four must be the missing children. Two looked older than me, maybe early teenagers, whilst one was maybe ten, and the last one smaller than me even.

None of them were moving about, but whether that was because they were dead, unconscious, or simply just hanging there, I couldn't tell from here.

"Gisel," I hissed. "Are you awake?"

Gisel twitched at the sound of my voice. "Yes! Get me out of this!"



"Okay, hang on." Haha. "Let me think about this." The threads were bound about us quite tightly. I didn't have enough confidence in my Wind Blade spell to slice the web without cutting skin too. Maybe a very small fireball? But that might set us on fire too. Water? Would just make us wet.

Oh! I had an idea.

"Get ready," I hissed to Gisel.

Steadying myself, I concentrated and cast a spark at her. As I suspected, the web was quite flammable. It went up quickly, making it look like Gisel was totally ablaze, so I quickly cast a waterball, which doused the flames just as the threads gave way, dumping Gisel into a messy puddle on the stone floor.

"Ow! What was that?" She staggered to her feet, tearing the disintegrating web off her.

"Sorry, it seemed the fastest way to get you down. Do you have a knife? What am I saying, look who I'm talking to."

Shaking water off herself, Gisel stalked over to me and, swiftly and skilfully, cut my bindings. I fell to the ground with a thump.


"Hey! Get me out too, please!"

"And me!"

Two of our fellow captives, seeing we were loose, called out in low voices. One was one of the larger forms, a boy by the sound of it, whilst the other was the small one, a girl. The other two were ominously quiet though.

A minute later, the boy, a large plump lad, and a young girl, maybe only three years old, were standing on the ground. The girl was sniffling, tears in her eyes.

"It's all right," I said, patting her head. "We're here to rescue you."

"I thought we were snatched by spiders," Gisel muttered, walking over to the fifth captive, and carefully slicing away.

"The results are the same," I retorted, moving over to her. The young girl held onto me, making movement slow.

"This one is unconscious," Gisel said, as the child slipped free of the web, and slid to the floor, only half caught by her.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous IntentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang