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"Ready?" I asked.

Everyone nodded, and moved off, to wait slightly closer to the spider room. I, for my part, took a deep breath and trotted off towards the giant's lair.

"Shit shit shit shit," I muttered to myself. I was seriously quite terrified.

Still, there was nothing for it, but to do what I had to do. I kept going until I was next to the doorway. From inside I could hear the giant, still muttering to itself.

With one final intake of breath, I stepped forward, into the giant's view.

"Hello there handsome," I said. "How's your day going?"

The giant simply stared at me for a second, and then grinned, the most horrible grin I had ever seen.

"Food!" it boomed, struggling to its feet.

I guess I was the local equivalent of home delivery.

"You want me, you have to catch me fatso!" I said, sticking my tongue out at it.

"Food food food!" Fatso reached out at me, lumbering forward horrifically quickly.

I put all my training to good use, and ran like a bat out of hell up the passageway, my light overhead so I could see where I was going. Tripping and falling now would be the last thing I ever did.

"Food food fooooood!" screamed the giant, his shout echoing off the walls. I was going to have nightmares about this, I could tell.

If I survived.

I glanced back and was horrified to see how close it already was. Time to put part B of the plan into action.

I case a spark spell over my shoulder, aiming at the monster's head. It missed. Cursing, and only moments away from being dinner, I threw half a dozen more. This time some struck their targets. Two hit the beard, and one the hair, both of which erupted into flame.

"Arrggaggrg!" the giant cried out, slapping at his own head. "Owowowow!"

Despite the flames now engulfing him, the beast kept on coming. However, he was a lot slower, as he batted at himself in an effort to extinguish the fire that was raging through his hair, allowing me to increase the distance between us.

And now Gisel and the others came into view, waiting along the corridor wall for me.

"Run!"  I screamed. "Go go!"

They started to move as I approached. I grabbed Emma and threw her onto my back as I went by, she wouldn't be fast enough on her own, and once again sent a quick prayer of thanks to Midex for my increased strength.

Our disturbance had alerted the spiders, which was expected. Now it was time for stage three, or C, or whatever, of the plan.

We burst into the huge room at full speed. I showered the area with fireballs, as a distraction really, and to sow some chaos, but my main concentration was ahead, where I aimed powerful wind blasts, not designed to kill, but to simply blow the spiders out of our path.

We were nearly a third of the way into the room, and making good headway, when the giant burst in behind us, his head now a smouldering hairless mess trailing smoke, adding to the chaos.

Seeing the occupants, the monster roared and laid into the one nearest to him, tossing it across the room into, I was happy to see, one of the green spiders.

Turning to the new threat, the spiders concentrated on the giant, and with my wind and fireballs blowing aside the ones ahead, we, amazingly, managed to reach the far door unscathed.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous IntentWhere stories live. Discover now