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-third person-

"Now you're being oversmart," the girl said with gritted teeth, glaring at the boy seated infront of her on the bed.

"Thank you," he said blankly, fingers continuing to snap rhythmically in the air. "The rhythm goes 1, 2, 3-"

"Oh, shut up that's too fast!" The girl interrupted, her patience wearing thin with each passing moment.

"Just admit you can't keep up, lil slug," he teased, followed by a guitar to his chest as the girl hurled it at him with force.

"Say that again," she dared, her eyes flashing dangerously as she fixed him with a steely glare. Undeterred, the boy shrugged indifferently. "Fine. You are a cute lil slu-"

"That's it." Before he could finish his sentence, the girl seized a handful of his long hair, pulling it sharply and causing him to cry out in pain. "You're done!" she declared.

"Let go you crazy woman!" the boy protested, attempting to push her away. "You'll rip it apart!" he pleaded desperately, but the girl only pulled harder. "Good. That's the intention-"

"Y/n! Yoongi! Stop it, you two!" The booming voice from the doorway shattered the tension in the room, prompting both Y/n and D to turn their heads towards the source.

Rosè stood in the doorway, arms crossed and a disapproving glare fixed on the pair who were bickering like children.

"Hey," Y/n and D chimed simultaneously, their spat momentarily forgotten as they acknowledged Rosè's presence.

Y/n harshly released her grip on D's hair, earning another groan of from him, while Rosè rolled her eyes and tossed her backpack onto the small couch, followed by Loey who shook his head at the two.

"I'm hungry. Make me a sandwich or something," Y/n demanded, settling back onto the bed and pushing the notes aside.

"Who's this?" Y/n turned to D, puzzled by his question until she followed his gaze to a figure standing awkwardly in the room.

There stood a young man with a shy smile, his cheeks flushed as he avoided meeting anyone's eyes, opting instead to fiddle nervously with his fingers.

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