Kelly Nickels#3 (Requested)

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[This request is from @isabellemaghinang45!]

Warning: Mentions of Alcohol, Alcohol Use, Slight Cursing & Unprotected Sex

After weeks of convincing Jeanne to come out from her "cave", refusing after refusing, making excuses as well. Finally, Kelly managed to get Jeanne, her best friend and the girl he truly cares about out from her house. Jeanne did her best dressing up, she did her makeup, her hair. Once she looked at herself, she just sigh and nod. She think she looks okay. When Kelly arrived, she thought she looked gorgeous. Once arriving to a bar, immediately, Kelly ordered a shot for the two of them. "I don't feel like drinking." Jeanne said, sounding unsure.

Kelly just smiled and put an arm around her shoulders. "Come on, at least drink one with me. If you don't want more, I'll get you a soda, okay?" Jeanne formed a small smile and nodded, agreeing with him. They took a shot and said she wants soda next. Which Kelly kept his word and ordered her a soda. After a while, Jeanne sees the crowd how they're dancing and having a great time. Kelly sees this and asked her to dance. At first, she said no, embarrassed considering she has never dance publicly like that. She performed being in the corner and encouraging whoever she went to dance and have a great time.

Kelly shakes his head and pulls her to the crowd. She slightly hit his shoulders playfully and Kelly just laughed. At the end, she started dancing. After the song was over, the two of them went back to the place where they sat next to the bar. Kelly ordered himself another shot, which Jeanne say; "You know what? I'll like to drink another one." Referring to his drink. This surprised Kelly but ordered her drink. They cling their drinks and down it. Jeanne doesn't why all of a sudden she wanted to party, but they kept on dancing and drinking. Maybe Jeanne knew it was time for her to have fun and have a great time.

Two hours later, Jeanne was drunk but to the extend. Kelly also felt the side effects and decided to head home. Jeanne and Kelly left the bar and began walking home, while walking the two of them were laughing as they were making jokes and catching up with each other's lives. Consider they haven't seen each other for almost a month. "Yeah, true story. It was pretty funny." Kelly slightly slurred. Jeanne just giggled and commented; "It does sound like a true story, your friends are hilarious then." They arrived at Jeanne's house and stand in front of the porch.

"Well, thank you for taking me out, Kelly. Honestly, I had fun today." She said, her words slightly slurred. Kelly shrugs his shoulders as he smiles. "Seeing you all sad and gloomy didn't make me feel good. I don't like seeing you that way especially to a guy who broke your heart and leaving just like that. Asshole." He was talking about her ex-boyfriend, who recently dumped her. She really liked that guy and thought they had great chemistry. After all, her six months being with him, she thought she was the guy. Love can be painful at times.

She sigh sadly, who honestly didn't want to remember him at all. Kelly sees her sudden expression and apologized. "It's okay, Kelly. You're right, he wasn't the one, you know." She sadly said. Rubbing one of her arms. Kelly stood quiet not knowing what to say next, he did, but he was afraid. Afraid of her reaction. "You know, I don't want to be sad all over again. I'll stay at your place for tonight." He suggested. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine." Jeanne quickly said. She got surprised with his suggestion. Consider she never invited any guy late after night. Not even her ex-boyfriend. Kelly found this odd and pointed it out; "Are you okay, sounds like you're hiding something inside your house." He chuckle awkwardly.

She shakes her head and got shy out of nowhere. "No, look, it's late and the next door neighbor is nosy. I don't want her to think wrong." "Wrong, wrong that you're alone with a guy. Let me guess, she's an old lady who's very tradition?" Kelly joked. Jeanne slightly laughs and nods. "Yeah, she's those kind of people." Her words trails off. "It's the eighties, not the fifties. Jeanne, not trying to sound rude, but you shouldn't care what other people will think. You're not a little girl, they're not your parents either. The next time they say something just tell them to fuck off."

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