Chapter Twelve

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As the night fell, a blanket of darkness enveloped the room, casting shadows that danced across the walls. The dim moonlight filtering through the curtains painted a serene picture of the two figures nestled together. Aria could feel the warmth emanating from Alexander's body, a comforting presence beside her in the cool night air.

With the gentle rhythm of Alexander's breathing, Aria found solace in the rise and fall of his chest against her cheek.

he had his head leaned against hers, his hands in his lap. Aria had noticed that she had her hands wrapped tightly around his bicep.

In her sleep, she had reached to him for comfort.

Aria found refuge in the safety of Alexander's presence, her subconscious mind granting him the privilege of being her anchor in the sea of dreams.

As the first rays of dawn peeked through the covers, Alexander stirred from his slumber. Aria felt the subtle shift in his posture, the warmth of his breath grazing her temple as he began to rouse from his deep sleep.

With a gentle sigh, Alexander slowly blinked his eyes open, the sleepiness lingering in their depths giving way to awareness. As he became conscious of his surroundings, his gaze softened as it fell upon Aria, her features serene in the morning light.

With a tender smile playing at the corners of his lips, Alexander gently shifted his head, disentangling himself from their shared embrace. He turned his attention to Aria, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch feather-light against her skin.

"Good morning," he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress in the quiet of the dawn. Aria stirred at the sound of his voice, her eyelids fluttering open to meet his gaze, a sleepy smile tugging at her lips in response.

As Aria opened her mouth to reply, the sound of a hearty laugh echoed through the air, piercing through the tranquility of the morning. Startled, she glanced up, her eyes adjusting to the sudden influx of light filtering through the fabric of the blanket that enveloped them.

With a gentle tug, Alexander lifted the cover off of them, revealing the scene outside. Aria squinted against the brightness, her gaze quickly catching sight of Ptolemy, his laughter ringing out like music in the crisp morning

"I do not know what god is looking over you, Alexander, but I thank them," Ptolemy exclaimed between laughs, his words infused with a sense of wonder and awe. The weight of their survival in the face of adversity hung in the air.

Hephaestion joined in the laughter, his own voice mingling with Ptolemy's in a harmonious chorus of relief and joy. And soon enough, Alexander's laughter joined theirs, the sound of it ringing out like a beacon of hope in the aftermath of the brutal sandstorm.

Aria dropped her head at Alexander's shoulder, her body still in a sleepy haze.

hephaestion stood from his place on the ground, dusting off the sand of his own blanket before throwing it next to the camel he was sleeping against through the whole night. Hephaestion looked around then walked ahead and away from them. A minute passed and he'd only reached to the highest point near them.

he let out a laugh before he called alexander's name.

Alexander had softly brushed Aria's hair then let her lean back on their camel before standing up and walking towards to where hephaestion stood.

Alexander had let out a laugh himself too as he saw what hephaestion called him for. the day before at the same place they were looking at, they saw a sandstorm heading towards them but now what they were seeing was the temple Alexander and his companions set out to find.

Hephaestion turned to Alexander and slapped both his hands over his shoulders as he laughed. "we found it!"

Alexander only stood there with admiration in his eyes as he looked upon the temple as the sun laid upon it.

Alexander turned his head to look at Aria, the first person be thought of ad he saw the temple. he smiled briefly at her then put his hand out for her, motioning for her to come and see the beauty he was gazing on.

Aria immediately stood up, dropping the blanket off of her and walked to Alexander. Taking his hand in hers, Alexander pulled her against him as he turned around to look at the temple in front of them.

"it's so beautiful." Aria had said, her eyes widened in awe.

"it is." Alexander said, looking at the temple in the middle of the desert. Alexander's gaze shifted from the temple to Aria, his heart swelling with love for the woman who stood beside him, her presence more captivating than any ancient relic. "it is." he murmured again, this time it had a different meaning.


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